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"This selfish bastard...." I mutter as soon as we enter McLean's office. Nobody's actually been in here. If your in trouble, McLean will just give you detention. He never even comes out half the time. Just tells his secretary to.

Trent and I walk around in amazement. It's like your perfect man cave. There's a pool table, a flat screen hell, even a fucking hot tub. Then, my eyes laid sight on the most glorious thing I ever saw. A massive fridge. "McLean. I love your ridiculous spending." As Trent checks the TV I open up the fridge and almost faint.

In the fridge there's a bunch of microwaveable stuff, like pizzas, wings, stuff that would make your mouth water. Of course the only beverage he has is beer.

I'm piling things in the bag I found, when I hear Trent behind me. "Uh-oh." I turn to see him watching the News. Their talking about the weather. I stop piling up and actually listen to the report.

"Turn it up?" I ask and he does.

That newscaster, Blaineley starts to talk. "Well. Hope you folks don't have any plans because the roads are closed officially until next Saturday at the earliest, police say. Hope you have plenty of food and are trapped with someone you like, because you're going to be with them for a while. Stay indoors and remain safe."

Trent and I share a look. It's one thing to be stuck inside the building with the possibility of being saved by someone on the outside. But nobody was coming, and we were stuck here. All through Christmas and probably New Years. "Oh shit." I mumble.

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