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 ~ Addison Quinns POV ~

"Jackson! You have to help me with my bags! I can't do it alone!" I whined as he carried his two suitcases into the house.

"It's your stuff Adds! Carry it yourself!" He called back. I stomped my wedged sandal as I watch him step through the open door and leave me all alone. I cross my arms as I stare at my pink suitcases. I can't ruin my nails which means I would have to carry each heavy one up the stairs and since I have like, a million, it would take forever!! I glanced across the street to the bright blue ocean and the stores lined up against it. Out of the corner of my eye I see a few boys walking together. Suddenly I'm running to meet them.

"Boys! Boys!" They turn around as I finally reach them. "Can you guys do me a huge favor? Please!" I draw out the please and pout a lip.

"Um. Sure, what's the favor?" The tallest one says.

"Oh! You're amazing! I need help with my suitcases." I turn around and motion them to follow me. "I just got my nails redone and my stupid brother wont help me." I walk back to the house and they follow quietly. "What are your names by the way?' I ask as we make it to the car.

"Taylor." The tallest one says as he takes three of the suitcases.

"Ben." Another says picking up two.

"I'm Denny." The last one smiles as he picks up three leaving one for me.

"Well, I'm Addison. You guys are a lifesaver! Come on this way!" I guide them through the house and Ben 'wows' at the house. The outside actually makes the house look smaller than it is.

"Is it just your family living here?" Taylor asks.

"Oh no! The house has like 30 rooms! It's my grandparents house but my entire family comes for the summer. It's like a tradition." I smile as we take a right into the hallway and make it to my room. We all file in and I drop the heavy suitcase on the floor with a loud thud.

"I see you got help sis." Jackson scoffs at the corner of the door.

"Well you wouldn't help me." I sass back.

"Whatever." He starts to leave before turning back and adding, "The house only has 27 rooms by the way." He rolls his eyes and leaves.

"Wow." Taylor replies to Jackson's comment.

"Thank you guys so much for the help!" I say as I lead them to the door.

"Yeah sure. Have a good summer." I smile at them as we reach the door and they all comfortably walk through it side by side. I think everyone feels weird when they can all walk side by side through a door. I wave to them as a pink convertible rolls up the driveway. A brown haired head hangs upside down on the side and she smiles when she sees me. She stands up on the seats and carefully steps over the door, not bothering to open it. She lands gracefully before walking over to me.

"Hey Adds." She says, her voice is soft as she hugs me.

"Mia! Oh my god! I missed you so much!" She smiles as she turns to look at Taylor and his friends who paused as soon as they saw her pull up. Ben smiles and steps forward holding out a hand.

"I'm Ben." He nods and I try not to laugh at Mia's confused face.

"Okay," She says slowly before turning back to me, "Come on. I have to talk to you about mothers newest. He's a baseball player!" She whispers like it's a scandal. Before we can get too far though her mom calls out to me.

"Addison! Oh my darling! You've grown!" She hugs me tightly before taking her big sunglasses off and staring at my outfit intently. Suddenly I start second guessing the bold yellow sandals with the blue sun dress. "Perfect! Absolutely stunning Addison. Maybe you could rub off on this rainy cloud this summer, huh?" She laughs as, I assume, the baseball player follows her into the house leaving us outside alone.

"Baseball player? What's his name? Maybe I've heard of him." I whisper as we watch them walk away.

"I don't know. But he already hates me and follows mother around like a lost puppy." She scoffs as she turns towards the ocean view.

"How do you not know! How long have they been dating?" She shrugs her slender shoulders and grabs her thick hair into a ponytail. Her black shorts appear from under her oversized band t-shirt and she wears no shoes. Her whole appearance is just so her, and somehow under all the dark and baggy clothes she manages to catch every boy's attention that can see her. I could dress in clear plastic dress and not a single boy would bat an eye.

"Come on. The beach isn't going to enjoy itself." She mutters.

"What about your luggage?" I ask as we make our way across the street.

"Don't have any." She shrugs.

"What do you mean?" I laugh.

"I have one bag with my books and some favorite shirts. I leave my summer clothes here. That's what I mean." She says with a smile as we approach the ice cream truck that has been parked here since we were three. She orders are ice cream and I stare at her quietly wondering what it must be like to have everything be perfect and easy. I take down my sunglasses from my head as she hands me the ice cream and gives the ice cream person a ten dollar bill. She walks away before he can give change and I laugh at her as she takes out her sunglasses too. The ice cream cost two dollars all together.

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