Chapter 9: Never Pass up a Chance

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No One's POV

Bambam was at the controls when Lisa hit the recall signal. As he had promised her, he widened the wormhole from microscopic to Normal size. Then he sent the basket down. A minute later he could see the gondola coming back with Lisa in it. Her normal scowl had been replaced by look of intense anger.

"So...You were gone almost the entire night. You had fun...Yes?" He said hoping the look was just Lisa being overly grouchy.

Lisa quickly got in his face and narrowed her eyes. "Fun....NO! You need to check your machine. It was a bit off."

Bambam backed up with a worried look. "OFF? By how much?"

Lisa huffed and hardened her Jaw. "3 years and 5 months. So instead of the rather festive May 12th, 1937, I instead got the rather terrifying, October 9th, 1940. Which as it happened to be, was during the London Blitz. So I got to see a German air raid first hand and let me tell you. NOT FUN. Not fun at all. I even got to see some poor bastard, they were pulling out of the rubble on my way back. He didn't look too good. Normally i'd loved to see a dead body, but because of my long night, I couldn't even enjoy it. I spent the entire night sleeping, rather uncomfortably I might add, in a corner of a underground station and I'm tired, my back hurts and I'm hungry as hell on top of it. So No, I didn't have any fun."

Bambam turned white and took a rather nervous sip from the coconut he was holding. "Oh my. I'm so sorry. I...I...need to check the calibration."

Lisa nodded and grabbed the bag of her modern clothes that was in the corner. "Yes...You do that." She said in a rather chilling voice, followed by a equally chilling glare. "Now. I'm going to change, go home, take a shower, eat, down about 10 aspirin and half a bottle of bourbon, watch the scissoring, then go to sleep. Bye..."

Bambam felt terrible, not to mention he was half scared out of his wits. "Uh, take the next week off with pay while I fix this."

Lisa just grunted and left the room.

For the next week, Lisa relaxed and attended her classes as normal. Though her thoughts remained on Jennie, she pushed asides any thoughts of her eventual trip to the 1800's.

She returned to the lab a week later to work. No trips had been planned so Lisa figured she would just run errands, as she did normally.

"So did you get the thing fixed? Because the rather unerving buzzing which is the sound of a few hundred German Heinkel bombers headed in my direction, is not one I care to hear again." Lisa said abruptly, as she walked into the lab.

Bambam stood up and handed Lisa a small box. "Yes. A circuit board had failed, causing the calibration to drift. I need to watch that in the future. I also took the time to install a secondary backup. I feel very bad for what I've done and I've gotten something to hopefully make it up to you. Here."

Lisa looked at the box and opened it. Inside was what looked like a small but old ticket. Pulling it out, Lisa could see it was well preserved and unused concert ticket.

"You've mentioned that you like Siouxie and the Banshee's a lot. So I found this on ebay and ordered it for you."

"Hell Yeah. It's probably my favorite band, period." Lisa then read the ticket.

Siouxsie and the Banshees's

8:00 PM. August 25th, 1981

Hammersmith Odeon, London England.

"Oh...Cool. Thanks." Lisa said as she looked back up at Bambam. "I'll have to frame this and put it on my wall."

A rather puzzled look suddenly came across Bambam's face. "It's an unused ticket."

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