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Isabella Sumner

After loading the last box into the small apartment, I huffed and threw my small frame onto the cheap couch. This was my new life, sleeping on a cheap mattress, having no food in the fridge, and constantly begging family for money. My mother was right when she said it would be tough, I just never trusted her. I should've known Manhattan was too large of a change, especially for a girl who's fresh out of college.

I looked out the small window that fitted against the wall by my "dining room." Seeing the people rushing from place to place, girls with little-to-no clothing on, and business interns with handfuls of coffee. I loved the city life, the lights at night, the people, and the tall buildings. I was always meant to live in the city, I have ever since I was 8 and my family took a trip to Washington.

Looking through the newspaper, I searched for jobs like crazy, but nothing ever came up. Just my luck. After watching a movie, because I can't afford cable, I decided to take a shower and head out to the city in search of a job.

2 hours later, I have been to 3 places, none of them hiring. I came upon the tallest, glossiest building in Manhattan. There were words on the top level of the building that said "Styles Inc."

I decided to step in, immediately rethinking my decision. Business men wearing black suits and brief cases were everywhere. There were girls with low-cut shirts and short skirts at every desk, and white furniture decorating the place. The windows around the building gave it more light, reflecting off the white, glossy tile on the ground.

Finding the main desk, I walked up to a blonde women, probably around 25, wearing a white blouse and a black pencil skirt. Her outfit was more revealing than some of the other women around here, but I brushed her off.

When I walked up, I could feel her attitude radiating off her. She gave me that "i'm a bitch that fucks every guy" vibe. I immediately knew she was going to be a problem, but I took a chance.

"Do you guys have any open positions?" I asked, smiling softly.

"No." She said simply.

"Oh, well can you give me a call when you do?" I asked, hopeful she would accept.


What the fuck? What was her deal? She wouldn't even look at me, paying no attention to me as she picks at her nails and plays with her hair. This girl was ridiculous.

"Excuse me, I don't mean to overstep my authority, but I really would like you to call me when you have a position open.." I muttered.

"Too bad." She snipped.

"Bethany, giving people problems?" A tall, dark, and handsome man spoke. His aroma was minty and strong, followed by piercing green eyes, and dark brown hair.

"Absolutely not, Mr.Styles." She fake smiled.

Mr.Styles? Styles...? Styles Inc! This is the CEO of "Styles Inc." Holy shit, he's in front of me in the flesh and blood, and this Bethany girl had NO problem lying to his face? What the fuck?

"Um, actually she is." I barked, finally standing up, afraid of his response.

"Well, what can I help you with?" He asked, raising his eyebrow.

"I would like a job," I started.

"Well, it's your lucky day, miss..?" He spoke, deeply.

"Sumner, Isabella Sumner. I prefer Bella, though." I smiled, putting my hand out.

He looked at my hand, nodding and dismissed my hand shake. I was a bit taken-back, hurt almost, at his rude gesture. Was I below him? Obviously. He was "Harry Styles, Styles Inc. CEO" and I was just Isabella Sumner, girl who couldn't afford a decent sized apartment.

"Come in tomorrow at 10am, sharp. If you're late, you don't get the job. Dress to impress, no long pants, only dresses and skirts. Be prepared to answer and, and all, questions asked. If you hesitate, you're out. Got it?" He bit, making it fast.

"Yes sir, thank you!" I stuttered, slightly.

I looked at the Bethany girl, giving her a "winning" smirk, and looked back to Mr.Styles, who was already walking away and down to the hall where the elevator bell rang.

"Have a nice day," I smiled to the receptionist, giggling to myself as she scoffed.

Tomorrow, I would have an interview for one of the biggest businesses in Manhattan, with the hottest boss around town. Holy shit.


Author's Note: Here is chapter one! I hope you enjoy this story, i'm very excited to continue this. Please leave me comments of inbox me what you think or if I should change something! Thanks!

xoxo, Kate

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