Green Eyed Monsters

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The Rosses were eating breakfast along with their neighbor Sage Granger and it was a little uncomfortable. Ravi was feeding all his lizards and everyone was psyched about it.

Sage was sitting next to Luke, eating bacon and it was a little scaly to be exact.

You might be wondering why Sage Granger was eating with the Rosses and not with her own family. That's because her parents went on a business trip, so she was staying with the Rosses for a few months.

"Open up the hangar, here comes the airplane!"-Sage looked up at Ravi to see one of the lizards sprinting out of his chair. Thankfully, Jessie caught it.

"Ravi, do Mrs. Kipling's babies have to eat every meal with us?"-Zuri asked Ravi.

Jessie put up one of the lizards to her face with a grin and added-"Not that we don't enjoy their little footprints in the butter."

"Now if I could just train them to jump in the jam and scurry across my toast."-Ravi smiled.

"What is this?!"-Emma asked as she pulled out a piece of lizard skin. The minute Sage saw it, she covered her mouth and pushed her plate away-"Now I know why my bacon tasted kind of weird."

Ravi got up and grabbed the piece of skin Emma was holding-"Aw, one of my grandbabies has shed it's skin. They grow up so fast."

Next to Sage, Luke pulled out a piece of lizard skin and everyone muttered-"Ew!"

Luke looked at the skin-"Yeah, I thought this bacon was a little scaly."

"And yet, you ate it."-Sage pointed out and then Luke continued to eat the piece of lizard skin. Everyone gagged, looking away.

"EWW!"-Emma exclaimed-"This is the most disturbing thing I've ever seen!"

Suddenly, Bertram ran through the kitchen in his bathrobe. Everyone gave him looks.

"Second most disturbing thing."-Emma corrected herself.

"Still number one for me."-Jessie said-"And I helped  a Texas longhorn give birth."

Everyone looked at her.

"I really earned that merit badge."-Jessie added and everyone continued eating.


After breakfast, Jessie called a family meeting to discuss the lizard issue.

"Okay, I called this family meeting because there seems to be some unspoken tension about Ravi's lizards."-The Nanny started-"And by unspoken, I mean endless, loud whining."

Everyone nodded.

"Ravi, would you care to respond?'-Jessie asked Ravi but received no answer. Everyone turned to see a sleeping Ravi. Emma slapped his arm out causing him to wake up. The poor boy had bags under his eyes and looked SUPER tired.

"My babies complete me, I have never been happier."-Ravi said with a weary voice.

"Poor Ravi, you look like a sleep-deprived raccoon."-Sage pointed out.

"And not in a good high fashion way."-Emma added.

I cannot cope."-Ravi blurted out and walked over to Jessie.-"Why did no one tell me, parenthood would be like this?!"

"Poor kid."-Sage thought.

"If kids came with warnings, I would've out of here a long time ago."-Bertram said and leaned back with folded arms.

"If kids came with warnings, we would've hired a maid."-Sage chuckled at Luke's comment and nudged his shoulder. He smiled.

"Twelve tiny mouths are eating my soul!"-Ravi exclaimed.-"I have no me time, I have no yoga time..."-And then Ravi cried out in distress-"And I have no social life!"

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