"Aunt Flo"

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Meghans POV
I wake up on Charlie's shoulder and smile. I had so much fun last night! I definitely think the best part was just snuggling up to him. Actually scratch that the best part was when he asked me to be his girlfriend (cause duh that trumps all lol)! I sand up slowly, so i dont wake up charlie, and make my way to the restroom.

MOTHER $-#+*$ ARE YOU KIDDING ME #$%#* LIKE WORST TIMING EVER! #&$*@+;!-#-$; /$*#&

Yeah you guessed. The thing that happens once a month to tell me I'm not pregnant happened in the middle of the night.
SHIT! I dont have anything with me! I have an idea......

I write charlie a note, grab his car keys, drive to CVS pick up a box of both pads and tampons and make my way back to Charlies apartment.

Charlies POV
I wake up and see a note from Meghan on the coffee table
Good morning handsome. I kinda stole your car and went to CVS to grab some lady things. Do you get the picture? I'll be back shortly.
Meghan got her period. Lol. In the midst of all my laughing Meghan walks in.

Meghans's POV
I open the door to the apartment and Charlie is laughing uncontrollably.

"What's so funny babe" I question

"Oh nothing, want some advil?"


"Are you referring to the bag in my hands and my note? Just assuming I have cramps" I say pissed off. (Actually I have really bad cramps right now tbh, but Charlie doesn't need to know that)

"Oh crap I'm sorry if I offended you"

"It's... It's OK" Im starting to cry. Man are my hormones crazy Lol.

"Oh babe don't cry, come here" Charlie huge me and everything seams to be OK again.

"I'm going to the bathroom, can you make breakfast? Somthing with chocolate please" I giggle and head to the bathroom.

Yup It's still there I sigh and exit the bathroom.

Charlie is at the stove cooking chocolate chip pancakes.
"Bae you know how to treat me like a lady even when I'm acting crazy, aka on my period" I say with a laugh and take a seat at the counter top, "soooo...... how about that advil" Charlie is grining know he was right and hands me two advil.
"Here you go"

"Thanks boo" Charlie then hands me my 8 pancakes and u devour them quickly, very very quickly.

"Hey char, It's our first official day being a couple so let's hang out all day and do nothing"

"Sounds perfect" he smiles, "do you wanna stop by your house so you can change?"

"Nah. When I went to go grab my uh things from the store I picked up some cloths from my house too. I just haven't showered yet so I didn't want to change"

"Ok.... Well than you can go shower and change and stuff, and I'll order a pizza and bake you so chocolate chip cookies. Sound good?"

"Perfect! And while your at it get a heating pad ready my stomach hurts like hell!" I say as I enter the guest bathroom.

Charlie's POV
Awwwwww Meghan is so cute when she is all crazy from hormones haha.

I'm going to pamper her for the next week or so and be sure she is never uncomfortable.

I remember when my little sister started er... changing and she looked like she was in so much pain. I always did what I could to keep her happy and comfortable and I'll do the same for Meghan. In order to do that I'm setting up a lazy day for the two of us. The plan is pizza, movies, cookies, popcorn, and really anything Meghan wants.

Meghans POV
Charlie just ordered pizza and made me cookies! He is so sweet I can't even right now! At this point I am out of the shower and changed into grey Nike sweat pants, a teal spaghetti strap tank top, a white athletic head band, and my hair in a messy bun. I'm really comfortable right now Lol.

"You look beauiful Meghan" Charlie said I started to cry. "Why are you crying babe?" Charlie was walking over now.

"Your only saying that because you know I'm all wack as of the moment, you don't mean it. Boys never do. They see me at my worst times and leave. Your just going to do the same" I say in-between sobs.

"I will never leave your side Meg. You where my bestfriend  and now your my girlfriend, Ive seen you like this before. Nothing has changed you where beautiful in middle school when that boy made fun of your weight and your beautiful now"

"Da...da...do you really mean it?"

"Yes Meghan I do. Your beautiful period and all" Charlie giggle and so did I.

"I think I'm going crazy," I laugh "one minute I'm happy as can be the next Im pissed off and then I'm crying! Dude you have No fucking idea how much being a girl sucks" I joke.

"Oh here we go again! That what girls always say!"

"It's true" I say in a teasing tone "girls get pregnant, they have these things on there chests that get in the way, they are forced to know they are not pregnant every month, we have to shave so we don't look like monkeys, and we have to give birth! I think being a girl is worse. Haha."

"OK. OK. You win mikayla said the same thing, God you girls and there periods"

"What ever! Haha let's watch some movies a--" I was cut of by the doorbell! PIZZA! Charlie's answers the door and pays the delivery boy and walks back with 5 cheeses pizzas know hand. I don't question our amount of food I just sit on the couch and take a slice. Charlie's puts in mean girls and we watch our first movie. Then another. And another. And another. And another until we realize It's midnight!

I've chose to stay the night at Charlie's again causes It's so late. But I don't have anything to wear to bed because what I'm wearing right now is my outfit for tomorrow. Sorry not sorry.

I changed into one of Charlie's old sweat shirts and a pair of Nike pros that I also had brought with me.

I stepped out into the kitchen, took the Hershey syrup from the fridge, sat on the couch, snuggled up to charlie, and squirt some into my mouth at various times through out our movie marathon until the bottle was empty. Next thing I knew I was asleep on Charlie's shoulder with his arms locked tightly around me, as if he would never let go.

*Time skip 6 days later*

It has been the best week ever! Charlie has done so much to make sure I was happy and comfortable. He's so sweet! All most all of my boyfriends never see me like this until we've date for at least a month or two (if we can make it that long) and when they do they usually leave me. Charlie's different I don't think he will leave me for a long time.
End of chapter
Wow that chapter was long. Sorry this wasn't as funny as I hoped it would be. It ended up being more serious with some humorous parts. Wow did I just say humorous wth is wrong with me Lol. I wanted to take a minute to say Thank you for 400 reads! It mean so much to me! Im new to writing fanfics but as you guys continue to read, vote, and comment I know these chapter will just get better and better. Thanks marlinators for reading love ya all. Hasta laviesta!

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