Chapter 3

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Harry's pov

I slammed out bedroom door open and glared at my husband. "How could you." I spoke angrily. "What?" He asked innocently. "You left Liam in the corner for HOURS!!" I fumed. "Oh yeah. I forgot about him." He shrugged. "Well I'm going to teach you to never forget about our babies ever again. You just stand in the corner till I'm calm." I ordered. He sighed but obeyed my orders. After 10 minutes I was calm and got up to take off my belt. I placed a hand on Louis' shoulder. "You ready for your spanking Lou?" I asked. "No sir." He whispered. "What do you need?" I asked gently. "To apologize to my babies. I've been so careless!" He sobbed. "Yes you have babe. Come on, let's get this over with." I whispered gently. I took his hand in mine and led him to our bed. I sat down and pulled him over my lap. "Starting." I warned before slamming the belt down onto his ass. "Ouch." He hissed. "Louis William I hope you never ever even think about grabbing a child like you did today ever again. Zayn, our baby boy, has a bruise from you. And leaving Liam in the corner?! Really?! That was the most irresponsible thing you've ever done. He was there for 3 hours! For something he shouldn't ever be put into the corner for anyways! You need to get your act together Louis. If you don't, this will be happening a lot more!" I scolded while spanking my husband. "Yes sir I'm so sorry!" He sobbed. "The waterworks have never worked on me. Don't even think about it." I growled. "I'm sorry I really am!" He sobbed. "Well good. I would certainly hope so." I said sternly. "Yes sir." he sobbed pathetically. "You have 20 more." I sighed. "How many are you giving me sir?" He asked breathlessly. "80." I answered. He hung his head. I sighed softening my heart a little bit. I rubbed his back gently whilst continuing to spank him. "I'm a bad daddy." He sobbed. I finished up his last few spanks and set him up on my lap. "You're a fantastic daddy baby. You just have your moments." I chuckled kissing his head. "I'm such a child." He sniffled. "That's alright baby cakes. You're still a terrific daddy to our children and that's all that matters." I told him gently. "I love you so much Harry." He breathed. "I love you too baby." I replied kissing the side of his mouth. "Such a tease." he giggled. "I know." I laughed. "I need to go see my babies." He said wiping his tears. "Yeah you do." I agreed helping him up and back into his clothing. He hugged me tightly. "I don't know what I'd do without you." He whispered against my chest. "I'd find you." I replied instantly. "Why?" He asked dryly. "Because I could not live without you my love." I explained. He smiled widely and kissed my clothed chest. "You're so small." I chuckled. "Shut up." He whined. "Nah I'm good." I chuckled. "Just because you're gigantic." He huffed. "I'm not gigantic babe, you're just really tiny." I pointed out. "You're 6'3 Harry. You're huge." He sighed. "Not really. You're just well 5'4" he laughed. "Okay. We get it." He huffed. "Go apologize to your barely smaller than you children." I laughed. He glared but stomped out of the room.

A/N: sorry it's so short I'm tired as hell cause I have influenza 😭😒

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