Chapter Seven: Ruka, Kazuya's Girlfriend/ Attack On Seth Jonah Gordon[Part Two]

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"Ouch!" Seth yelped while Kazuya wrapped bandages around his torso. "Man Kazu-kun, you should have seen it." He told him. "These two fighter girls fought each other for ten minutes, came to a truce all of a sudden, and then they both jumped me. I was able to get away by the skins of my teeth. But I can't guarantee that it'll happen again."

"What did they want exactly?" Kazuya was told what they wanted, but he wanted to make sure that he was hearing what was told to him the first time right.

"They want my hand in marriage." Seth told Kazuya. "It was a part of my grandfather's idea. I never knew anything about it until I got ambushed. I'm sure those two will fight each other again over me. Or try to hunt me down. One way or another, they're going to get me. Should that happen, I'm leaving everything in your name."

"Whoa Seth-kun," Kazuya remarked. "You make it sound like you're going to die at the hands of these two girls or something."

"Bro..."Seth told Kazuya, "If you saw their fighting styles....You'd pray to the heavenly creator that you don't make one wrong move. Enough about my dilemma, you mentioned that a girl named Ruka stalked you on the train?"

Kazuya finished wrapping the bandage around Seth's torso. "Yes." He told him. "I also found out that she's a rental girlfriend, just like Chizuru-chan."

"Oh God...How do you attract such low value women?" Seth asked Kazuya

"Oh it gets crazier." Kazuya assured. "Unlike Chizuru-chan, Ruka-chan became a rental girlfriend to find someone that increased her heart beat. And it turned out to be me. Not Shun. I still find it hard to believe that he would go so low as to rent a girlfriend."

"I suppose the apple doesn't fall far from a tree." Seth remarked. "He is your friend after all. Speaking of Chizu-chan, I found her some work as a Tutor assistant, she'll be assisting some high school students with tutoring sessions for these five sisters."

"FIVE SISTERS?!" Kazuya shouted

"Yep. Five sisters. Trust me, when I saw the ad, I didn't wanna believe it either. Their father, whoever he may be, was a busy guy in the intercourse department, am I right?" Seth chuckled

"So what are you going to do now?" Kazuya asked Seth. "Do these warrior chicks know where you work?"

"I don't think so." Seth replied. "And I think I am going to keep it that way. Other than that, if what you say about Ruka-chan is true, then you must have a charm about you to make her heart race. Which means that you found a decent girlfriend. And I bet you she can cook some mean meals."

"She uh...She can as a matter of fact." Kazuya told Seth. "However, this could break my best friend if he finds out his rental girlfriend is interested in me."

"He'd understand. Besides, Ruka-Chan was a rental girlfriend to find true love. And she found it in you. Of all people." Seth giggled. "Truly if that isn't a love story better than Twilight, I dunno what is."

"I'm not in love with Ruka-Chan." Kazuya denied.

"Cute." Seth grinned. "Yet Denial will get you nowhere."


[On The Balcony...Later That day...]

Chizuru: A tutor assistant job?

Seth: Something that's right up your alley. I looked for other jobs on an ad page, but this was the only one that paid the highest.

Chizuru: I'll say.

Seth: You're welcome by the way. I literally got my butt handed to me while trying to find YOU a better job.

Chizuru: I overheard. Thank you Seth-kun. And I'm sorry for being such a burden.

Seth chuckled: You're not a burden. You just needed someone to help you make good choices. I'm just glad it's me and not Kazuya-kun. He means well, but he's extremely sexually driven. And that could have led you both into divers disasters.

Chizuru looks up at the moon: Yeah. Speaking of, I heard he found a girlfriend. Good for him.

Seth: More like she found him. I dunno, but this Ruka-girl sounds like a keeper for Kazuya. And she cooks. So that's a high bonus.

Chizuru: I guess. You have a wild family Seth-kun. Making decisions without your consent.

Seth: It could be worse.

Chizuru: But you have the right to choose who you want to marry, don't you?

Seth: Is that a trick question or is this a hint that you wanna marry me?

Chizuru: Maybe a bit of both?

Seth chuckled again: You're cute Chizu-chan. But my life just did another 180. You have competition, and this kind of competition has no problem bruising a pretty face like yours.

Chizuru: I can fight.

Seth: Not like them. I'll see them again. I know I will. For now though, I'm just going to enjoy tonight and get ready for work in the morning. Oh, and by the way, you start next week. Your new job. So you had better save up as much as you can as a rental girlfriend. For that stage in your life is behind you. For good.

Chizuru:...R-Right [Flusters] Seth-kun, what about Mami-chan?

Seth: Mami-chan? [Crosses his arms] I haven't seen her as of late. She's probably doing cram work for extra credit. Why bring her up?

Chizuru: Do you...Do you still have affection for her?

Seth blinks: Um...I probably do and then I probably don't. With Mami-chan, it's complicated. We did say some serious statements to each other through phone calls and text messaging. It would be hard to forget someone like her. I know she's having a hard time forgetting about me. But she has to move on just like I do. She was so close...And then she messed it all up. What an idiot. [Yawns] Anyways, I'm heading for bed. See you later Chizu-chan. Oh, and one more thing, keep your chin up high, and know that love has no value, nor can it be bought or sold. Do you understand?

Chizuru nods: I understand. Goodnight Seth-kun.

Seth: Night Chizu-chan.


The next morning, Seth was found at work. Lifting 10 tons of metal from one direction to the next, from one location to the next, he wasn't focused on the tall monstrous woman that was approaching him after getting permission to do so by his boss. "OY!" She shouted. "Seth Jonah Gordon-Kun!"

"Hmm?" Seth paused and dropped the tons of metal that would be welded together for a project that the construction workers were working on. "Can I help you Ma'am. And also this is private property, how did you get access without being an employee?"

The woman let out a deep feminine laugh. "You crack me up kid." She remarked. "You'll make a fine son-in-law for my daughter Buki...I'm sure you know her...She fought you the other day."

Seth's eyes widened: And you must be...Her mother...Right?

The woman laughed again: You got it right kiddo. My name is Yujiko Hanma. I came here to have a word with you....If you don't mind...Seth-kun..."  


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