Hello Skellybones - Part 1

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Because no one has done anything to try be in one chapter, I give you the story of why Milky's skeleton friend has an arrow in its skull in all pictures I do of it.

I sleepily opened my eyes, even though it was still night.
I looked outside the window closest to my bed and saw nothing but darkness. I closed my eyes again.
After a few moments I heard the noise of bones knocking and clacking. My golden eyes shot open. I looked out of the window again and saw nothing.
I slowly got out of bed and snuck over to my closet-chest. I silently opened it and pulled out a chainmail chestplate, iron pants and feather falling III diamond boots.
I crouched down and opened the hidden trapped chest under my bed. The floor under me was pulled open by pistons and I fell to the storage room. ((Cool design, right?))
I quickly put on my armour and ran to the weapons chest. I got out my diamond sword, infinity I bow and an arrow.
I climbed down the ladder and fell down the one block drop at the ladder onto the dark oak and birch staircase, I ran down it towards the living area. The closer I got, the louder the sound of bones got. I pulled out my bow and slowed down as I started loading it.
I stopped at the bottom of the staircase and poked my head around the corner, scanning the room.
There it was.
I aimed at the skeleton head in front of my couch and--"TWANG!" I let the arrow fly.
The living pile of bones turned its head at the noise and it's eyeless sockets widened. The arrow spiralled through the air and hit the skeleton in the top-right-hand corner of it's head, burying itself in the skull and creating cracks. I raised an eyebrow, wondering why the beast didn't die from the impact of the arrow.
"HISK!" I heard LolliPop hiss/screech from the couch.
It was then I saw the skeletal creature was unarmed and there was white and grey egg shells on the ground around the couch.
I gently put the bow on the ground, put my hands up in a 'I-mean-no-harm' way and slowly walked over to the couch.
The skeleton tried to get away but tripped on the low-sitting oak coffee table. LolliPop grabbed the Skeleton's ribcage with a lasso made of string and pulled it onto the couch before it fell backwards.

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