Finding My Way

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"Where was he?", she said under her breath. She was holding a girl, that looked just like her; a twin?  I looked at the unconscious girl in her arms.  Beautiful, with bright red hair, thick dark eye lashes.  Her form was small and delicate.

"Is this the new recruit?", I said.  She flipped around holding a knife.  When she saw who I was she slowly lowered her blade.

"Yes, it is.", she said in a crisp clear voice.

"She will have a tuff time at the academy"

"Where is the money?"

"All in due time. Now bring her to my car.  We need to test her before she wakes up."

Chapter 1

My New Home?

I woke up smelling death all around me.  I suddenly lifted my body into sitting position on the bed.  Where was I? I thought as I looked around the room.  The room was normal sized, there was blood stains on the walls and scratch marks on the door.  What type of place was I in?  Suddenly the events of the day before rushed back to me.  My sister!  I remembered my sister had traded me like a slave.  I jumped off the bed and pressed my face on the small window.

As I peered outside I saw many feet bushleling around getting work done.  "Are you done looking at your new home?"  I swiveled around and saw a boy about my age with dark hair that made his hazel eyes stick out.  He was lean and I felt oddly attracted to him.

"New home? I already have a home, thank you very much!"  He studied my appearance, then gave me a small smile as if he found my comment amusing.

"Come with me, we need to get you fitted for your new clothes." Hesitantly I followed him, leaving my cell of a room behind.  I gazed down the long hallway in front of me.  There were many doors just like mine lined up across each wall.  Each door had a specific number on it.  I was about to ask the guy what they meant, when he said, "The numbers tell us which students to look out for."

"Students?", I said with a shaky voice.  He stopped so suddenly I almost bumped into him.

"Yes, students and you are our newest."  He indicated to a door that we had stopped at. "Good luck; most new people don't survive Madame Susan."  I stared at the door, then turned around to asked him something, but he was gone.

Well here I go.  I slowly turned the door knob and opened the door.  As soon as the door was all the way open, I regretted it.  I saw a lady; she had her back to me, she was working.  "Excuse me?"  'Madame Susan' turned.  I was not prepared for what I saw.  Madame Susan was not a woman, in fact a man.  This held me in shock for a time, as I stood and stared, Madame Susan told me to get rid of my clothes and to put on old ragged clothes that smelt and looked like garbage.  "Um, thank you, I guess."

"Yes, you should be thank full!" he said with a ruff voice that sounded of gravel. 

He ordered me to start on the dishes.  I look over at the toppling pile of dirty plates, bowels, and any other type of dish there was.  I slowly walked over to the sink.  "Um, do I have to?" I said looking at the tower of dirt, mold, and stench.

"Of course! Now you have to do the dishes after dinner also!"

I stair in horror I was never going to get done. There was a sudden knock at the door.  I sigh in relief.  A girl comes in and looks at me in disgust, "Madame Susan, we need the girl for training; you can torture her later. Come on lets go." She motions to me. 

I smile and start to leave.  "Don't think you are getting out of anything new girl!" Madame Susan says.  I turn and leave with the girl glad to be leaving Madame Susan.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2013 ⏰

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