You confess your feelings for him

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It's been a few months of Jeff coming over and hanging out with you, and let's not lie here, you were starting to get a crush on him. Okay, you were head over heels for the killer. "Jeff, can I tell you something?" You asked him. He nodded and sat next to you. "Jeff, I really, um, l-like you" you say. He smiles and hugs you. "Y/n, I like you too... I really like you"

You were playing COD when the game started glitching. "Ben, I was about to kill that dude!" You whine. He jumps out of the t.v and tackles you, laughing. "Hello, y/n." He says, smiling a lot. "Hello, BEN, what's got you so happy?" You ask. "I've got a crush on a girl" your heart sinks at this. "O-oh? And w-who is s-she?" You stutter, voice cracking. "Well, she's beautiful, gorgeous even, smart, and funny. she's my best friend. She's amazing a video games, she's perfect. She's.. um, y/n, she's you" he finishes. You look up at him, tears running down your face from fear that he didn't like you back. You wrap your arms around his neck and hug him tightly.

You went into the woods, determined to tell your new best friend of 5 months how you REALLY feel. You sat on the ground, your back leaning against the trunk of your favorite tree. You and slender would talk for hours sitting by this tree. You were taken out of your thoughts by a tendril wrapping around your waist and placing you on a tree branch, next to slender. You leaned your head on his shoulder and he wrapped his arm around your shoulder so you wouldn't fall. "Slender?" You asked to get his attention. "Yes, y/n?" He asked. He had already read your mind and knew what you were going to say, but he wanted to hear you say it, so he let you continue. "um, Slender, I really like you. You're my best friend and everything, but I don't know how long I can stay JUST friends.. I need something more" you say. His arm around you pulls you closer and he starts to play with your hair. "me too, y/n."
Lost Silver

You and silver had gotten into a fight about how you were self harming again. "Why do you even care?" You shouted at the boy. "Because I love you!" You were surprised how he didn't stutter at all. "Silver, I... I love you too"
Eyeless Jack

He stops by regularly. You have grown feelings for the killer, but knew he could never feel the same way. But you couldn't keep it in anymore. You decided to tell him when he dropped by tonight. You were ripped out of your thoughts by knocking on your window. You opened it and Jack climbed in. You were nervous about telling him, so you decided to postpone the conversation for a while. "Jack, I've never seen you without your mask, you know" you chimed. He shook his head. "No, y/n. I don't want to scare you with how I look." he says. You frowned. "You couldn't scare me. I don't care how you look, I'm just curious," it's now or never, you thought. "the way you look could never change the way I feel about you. Jack, I really like you" you admit to him. "Really?" He asks. "Yeah" you breathe. He takes off his mask slowly, before its all the way off. You look at his eyeless face. You smile at him and kiss his cheek. He looks shocked. "You're not scared of me?" He asks. You shake your head and he smiles, pulling you into a hug. "I like you, too, y/n"
Laughing Jack

He took you to his carnival because you'd been asking for weeks and weeks. "Can we go on the Ferris wheel?" You ask. He nods and pulls you into the ride. He starts it up and you rest your head on his chest. He instinctively wraps an arm around you. "Jack, do you like me?" You ask. "Y/n, you're my best friend" he answers. You sit up and look at him. "No, I mean.. do you like-like me?" You ask and he instantly understands. "Oh.. yes" he whispers. You smile and rest your head back on his chest. "Me too."
I really like BEN's. It's kinda cute. These are really short but I'm tired so whatever. The next scenario is "he asks you out" which takes place like exactly after you tell him you like him

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