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it's july third.

it's sanzu's birthday :)

i'm also working on a one-shot that's based on draken.

it should be out soon!


0:00 ━❍──────── -1:54
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VOLUME: ▁▂▃▄▅▆▇ 100%

at the end of the ceremony, shinichiro and y/n stood in front of a cake. the frosting and design matched perfectly to y/n's dress. thanks to yua, the cake looked just as perfect as the dress that clung to y/n's body. 

shinichiro stood next to y/n, an arm wrapped around her waist and a smile that shined brighter than the sun adorned his face. y/n held a cake cutter in one of her hands while her other sat on shinichiro's waist, her arm wrapped around him. a calm look spread across her features and her eyes were full of love, nothing could ruin this day.

"where do you wanna cut at?" shinichiro asked.

"you're taller than me, so i'll cut towards the bottom and you can do it at the top," y/n answered as she took a step towards the massive cake and began to cut a slice out for herself, 

afterwards shin did the same and stared down at the slice on his plate, a mischievous glint in his eyes, "would you be mad in i shoved this in your face?"

"y'know it would be a real shame for us to get married and get a divorce on the same day," y/n replied, smiling up at her husband.

"do it!" wakasa yelled from behind them.

the two turned around, glaring at the bleach blonde male, "no,"

the crowd of family and loved ones erupted in laughter as the newly weds joined in. y/n shook her head, still laughing, and picked up a piece of cake with a fork. she held it up to shinichiro and waited for him to take a bite. letting his wife feed him, he took the fork into his mouth with a smile before he did the same to y/n.

"the cake tastes better when you feed it to me," he joked.

"funny, i was about to say the same thing,"

as they made their way to their personal table, lynx and someone unfamiliar walked closer to the pair.

"heya boss!" lynx said with a large smile.

sitting her cake down on the table, y/n pulled the taller boy into a hug, "glad you could make it,"

"i wouldn't miss this day for the world," lynx replied as he pulled away, now looking at shinichiro, "be good to her, kay?"

shin smiled as stuck out his empty hand for lynx to shake, "of course, she's in good hands,"

y/n turned her attention to the unfamiliar face in front of her, "who are you?"

the white haired boy smiled and pulled away from shinichiro so that he could wrap an arm around the other boy's waist, "y/n, this is my boyfriend,"

"i'm daisuke, i've heard a lot about you," the dark haired male said as he stuck out a hand for y/n to shake, "congrats, by the way,"

y/n glanced from daisuke's face, down to his hand, and then back to his face before she enveloped him into a hug, "it's nice to finally meet you,"

daisuke's anxiety washed away in an instant as he hugged the shorter girl back, "it's nice to meet you too,"


0:28 ━❍──────── -3:12
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VOLUME: ▁▂▃▄▅▆▇ 100%

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