Chapter 2: Hurt

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~The Next Morning~

El woke up at 7 to his beeping alarm clock. He got into the shower, and then put on his normal work attire. He than went to go wake up Julia.

"Hey Princess, it's time to wake up!" said El while crouching down beside Julia's bed. "I don't want too, me tired." said Julia half asleep."Haha, come on honey, you have school, and I have work". "Okay, but can I get pancakes?". "Haha deal, now go get ready, when you're done, the pancakes should be ready!". "OKAY!!"

El went to go make the pancakes, and Julia went to go get ready. They both ate, and El dropped off Julia at school, and went to the Precinct.


"Hey Cap, wants to see you in his office."Said Fin. "Thanks, Man." said El walking towards Cragen's office.

As El was walking to Cragen's office he sees Liv and Cassidy near the coffee machine kissing. El becomes mad, but then soon relaxes.

"Hey Cap, Fin said you wanted to see me?" "Yeah, El come in, and shut the door!"

Just when El was trying to shut the door, he heard somebody yelling, Cragen and El went out of the office to go see what it was.

Liv's POV~

Brian and I were at the coffee machine talking, when we heard yelling. I looked over and there stood William Lewis. My heart dropped, Lewis was supposed to be dead, after the whole attack, I never was the same, El and I would always fight, and I pushed him away. Which is the reason why we got divorced.

"Where is Olivia?" Said Lewis. "What the hell is going o-" said Cragen, but stopped when he noticed it was Lewis. "Well is anybody going to answer me?" Said Lewis, who was waving a gun around. "Right here.", I know I needed to show myself or he would do much worse. "Olivia,nice to see you again. Now come on, or I shoot you're little boyfriend." Said Lewis pointing the gun at Brian. "Fine.", just when I was about to go I hear "Liv! Get back you do not need to go with him!". It was El. "No, if I don't he is going to hurt Brian." I said stubbornly. Just as I was getting close to Lewis, El came running to me, but then Lewis shot El. Lewis was distracted that he didn't notice Fin get his gun, and shoot him. I was in shock, until I heard El trying to say something. I ran to him, and heard him say "Liv, tell Julia that I love her, and I will always be with her.", "No El, you aren't going anywhere, I need you to stay alive, Julia needs you alive!" "Liv, I have something to tell you." "No El, save your breath." "Liv I love you." When I heard those words, my heart dropped the man that I still loved, still loved me. "El, I love you too." I started to breakdown crying when I notice El's eyes close, "No El, honey I need you to open your eyes! Please, I can't lose you!!" Just then the paramedics came in, and El was put into a gurney and rode to the hospital. I sat there crying til, Captain and Fin came over.

"Liv, he'll be alright." Said Cragen while pulling Liv into a hug. "Come on Liv, let's go to the hospital." Said Fin. "Okay, just give me a minute" said Liv between sobs.

They left to the hospital, Fin was driving, Munch was in the passenger seat, and Brian, Cragen, and Liv in the back.

"Hey babe, are you okay?" Said Brian, while trying to hold Liv's hand. " Am I okay?! The father of my daughter, my ex-husband, the love of my life just got shot trying to save me!" yelled Liv, but then realizing what she said she started to cry even more. "The love of your life?" Said Brian getting angry. "Are you kidding m-", just as he was about to finish his sentence they arrived at the entrance to the hospital. "We'll finish this later!" Said Brian getting out of the car. Olivia got scared, she knew how Brian could be when he got mad, he would be abusive. There was only one time that he had gotten mad at her and he slapped her, after that she made sure not to let it happen again, but tonight she knew he was going to do more than just slap her.

"Liv are you okay?" asked Cragen, he noticed that her face had turn paler when Brian had said "we'll finish this later". "Yeah, i'm fine."

The whole squad was sitting in the waiting room waiting for the doctor, when the doors opened and Julia came in crying.

"Baby, come here!" said Liv holding out her arms. "Mommy! What happened to daddy?", "Baby, daddy was hurt by a bad man. He's going to be okay. Now who brought you here?","Auntie Manda" said Julia between sobs.

Just then a doctor appeared, "Family of Elliot Stabler?" The whole squad stood up, but only Liv was the one that went up to the doctor. "What's wrong?" said Liv, while holding Julia on her hip. "Well he's doing okay but-....

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