Chapter 1- Inseparable (pt 1)

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It was almost like we were glued together and one thing started it all. It started 3 years ago. 9th grade to be exact, here's how it all began.

"You think Ahri would like me back?" Alex asked James. They were on their way to class.

"Ahri and you? Pfft- No way." James scoffed.

"Well i don't care i'm gonna ask her to be my girlfriend and i know she'll say yes! Then you'll be the single one!" Alex crossed his arms.

"Good luck." James smiled.

"I'll ask her after algebra!" Alex said excitedly.

"Let's go, we still have class." James walked into a classroom, Alex followed him.

"There she is!" Alex pinched James' arm.

"C'mon Alex." James walked over to his desk, sitting down in it.

"You're showing absolutely no interest, what's your deal. You were interested last week.." Alex put both hands on James' desk.

"It's your crush, not mine." James pushed one hand up against his cheek.

"Can you at least be happy for me. I'm actually excited about something." Alex frowned.

"Yay.." James said sounding even more uninterested.

"Screw you." Alex walked over to his seat, sitting down and glancing over to Ahri. She looked back and waved. Alex waved back, hiding his face immediately. 

"Alright class, lets get started." The teacher walked in, sitting down her notebook and getting ready to write something on the white board. 

Right then and there Alex tuned the teacher out, he listened to his thoughts before falling asleep. "Too tired to listen." he thought.


"Guys look. Alex is asleep.." A girl whispered to Lily and Jessica.

"Oh! That's adorable! I've been wanting to ask to be friends with Alex. Right Jess?" Lily whispered back, turning to Jessica.

"Really guys, This is why you fail your tests." Jessica replied without looking up.

"You sound like my mom." Lily rolled her eyes.

"oh please. your mom tells me to practically take care of you." Jessica looked up at Lily only for a second before looking back at her notebook.

"I wish time would speed up. this class takes forever." Lily whined. Soon she opened a notebook and started doodling.

45 long minutes later...

"Alright class. Everyone study for next week's quiz and have a good day." The teacher dismissed everyone. 

"Alex wake up." James shook Alex until he woke up.

"Hey! You guys are Alex and James right?" Lily ran up to Alex and James.

"Huh..Oh, yeah that's us." Alex chuckled nervously.

"oh uh. I was just wondering if you wanted to be friends. That's all." Lily smiled.

"Sure." Alex smiled back. Jessica and James glared at each other and soon Lily and Alex caught on.

Since both Alex and Lily were very very kind leading them  to be naive both James and Jessica were over protective.

"Yeah..uh sorry to break your staring game but i have a girl to ask out! See ya!" Alex dashed past James.

"Hey! Ahri! Uh. I have something to ask you." Alex ran up to Ahri. The hallway was full of people.

"Oh hey!.." Ahri made a disgusted face.

"Alex wait!" James ran towards Alex, Lily and Jessica followed.

"W-will you be my girlfriend." Alex shouted. The hallway got quiet and the attention shifted to Alex and Ahri.

Ahri sighed. "Listen, I don't like stupid nerds like you. Plus i'd be embarrassed to be with you. you're nothing like a man. You're still a tiny weak boy. I don't mean to be rude but don't talk to me." Ahri flipped her hair in Alex's face and walked away. The hallway was filled with laughter. Alex felt an empty feeling. He ran past James and into the bathroom.

"Why would Ahri do something like that? That was messed up." Jessica looked at Lily. Lily frowned knowing that she had felt something similar before.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2022 ⏰

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