Chap 1

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Brooklyn' POV

"Brooklyn you better wake your ass up right now before I come or you will never wake up again". That would be my alarm clock otherwise known as Annie Carlton my best friend since grade school. She is the only friend I have had because I am such a social butterfly notice the sarcasm. Anyways since we are on the introduction I will introduce myself. Hi, I'm Brooklyn or Brooke Rossi I am Burrnete 5'3 freckles which I cover with makeup, and I am blessed with white straight teeth and tanned skin also am 19. I am a photography major at Ohio State University and if anyone mentions Michigan I will personally come and hurt you I don't care if they lost two years in a row. I have a significant opportunity hence why I am waking up at the butt ass of dawn. The opportunity is to be the team photographer for a sports team I hope it will not be the hockey team and my brother Mitch is on the team and I prefer not to boost his ego by having to take pictures of him. Anyways I am rushing so hard to get ready that I throw on a hoodie and a pair of leggings not bothering to brush my hair just throwing it into a clip grabbed my camera bag and school bag. I ran to our secret stash of snacks and then ran out the door to my F150 truck some people may be shocked by it but I love having a big truck even if I am just 5'3 I grew up in a suburban area of Ohio hence m hate for Michigan and love for Ohio State. While I am rushing I will tell you about my family I already mentioned my brother Mitch and then both my parents are happily together and still live in Mitch and my childhood home. If you have ever watched Ohio State back in '90s then you would know my dad Eric Rossi.

(A/N: I am aware that is not a real hockey player but I couldn't find one that fit the descriptine so)

I was driving to class as fast as I could and as soon as the car was in the park I bolted to the door and got inside just as the professor was getting out of her car. I was nervous as hell. I settled next to my typical partner in crime Annie and waited for the professor to announce something she started to call attendance and then proceeded to ask certain and Annie and I were called up she was hoping for the basketball team because she thought they were hot. Mrs.Honses the professor was coming down the line Annie, of course, got the basketball team and I got, of course, THE HOCKEY TEAM. We were given a paper with a time and place to meet the coaches who will then introduce us to the team. I had to meet Coach Madison? In a couple of hours and since I don't have any more classes today I decided to take a nap which of course guess who almost sleeps through their alarm you are reading her thoughts. Haha, I am so funny anyways I was driving to the hockey stadium when I arrived I was blown away by how big this place is. Anyways I walked into the building using my student id which I was surprised they were able to get in so fast.

I was walking around lost when I heard the most obnoxious voice you could ever hear Mitchy bears voice which I had to follow because I would assume he has gone in there before. I walked up to him and pinched his tattoo that I have the matched one. He immediately turned around and hugged me to the point where I couldn't breathe. When he finally let go I looked at who he was talking to and saw three huge men staring at me are some of the most idemating yet hot men ever one has a tight-lipped smile, one has a goofy grin, and the other looked confused but friendly kinda he was probably the hottest. I looked at Josh and then raised my eyebrows at the guys behind him he looked at me then confused then I said "Sei un idiota come si chiamoano perche sei seriamente Cosi stupido" (You dumbass what are their names are you seriously that stupid) yeah our dad's side is Italian and our nonna taught us Italian. He finally realized what I was saying while the other guys looked confused. He finally said, "This is Jake Bishop (the one with a tight-lipped smile), Reese Hawkmen(the one with a goofy smile who was tall as hell at probably 6'6), then our captain Greyson Harbour (the hot one)." They all shacked my hand but Grey seemed to hold onto my hand longer. Then I finally remembered what I came
over here for "Hey Mitchy bear you wouldn't mind showing me where your coach's office is would you" He shook his head but before he could take a step Greyson stepped up and said, "I could take I am the captain and all so I should probably get to know her if she is going to be with us for a while you guys go to the gym remember we are there today". That was suspicious but whatever at least I was going to the place I need to be. It was a silent walk but it was also short so when we arrived he said his goodbyes and I said mine. I knocked I heard a loud masculine voice say "come in" when I walked in I saw a man looking about his 50s sitting in his chair looking at his Chromebook when he looked up his face brightened "You look a lot like your father much like your brother". I asked him "Did you play with my father?" he nodded his head: only in college I didn't make it into the big leagues like him". My father is very well known in the hockey world he played at OSU and then stayed in Ohio for my mom and played for The Columbus Blue Jackets then he retired because the old man couldn't keep up. "Anyways here is a stack of type of pictures you need to take wise you can take what you want" I nodded and coach continued "So let's go meet the boys shall we," he said getting up and walking out the door holding for me. We were walking and then a very loud room filled with grunts and other things when we walked in the guy I came to know as Reese is laying on the floor looking hungover with a few other boys I didn't know. Then Coach Madison spoke up "Get your asses up you too Hawkmen I have someone I want you to meet" they all groaned "This Is Brooklyn Rossi a photography major she will be our team photographer for the year" They all looked shocked except the three boys I met "Alright by the time I get back in here you all better sweat all the hungover out of you all" coach said leaving. I walked up to the group of boys and said "Why don't we do an icebreaker" I said "Everyone gets in a circle" Mitch sat next to me along with someone I don't know. Greyson was going to sit there and looked very displeased when he says who sat there he then went to sit next to Reese. "Alright, then why don't we go with age, name, number, and hockey position" I had to say hockey position before I heard something I didn't want to hear "I will start Hi I'm Brooklyn, I'm 19, and I used to be left-wing and #21 ". They all looked shocked except for my brother of course to take the attention off of me my brother started "Josh, 19, right-wing #10" the next few guys went until there was a loud smack "I swear to god Reese if you don't stop falling asleep I will beat your ass" Nick said rather loudly. Reese followed up with "Jesus no need to be so mean about it" He said I raised my eyebrows at him and luckily he is smart unlike my brother and started his icebreaker "Reese, Right defensemen, 21 #2". Then Greyson who was next to him started "Greyson, 20, center #21" everyone started making baby noises "Hey I am turning 21 soon, and need I reminded you that I am more mature than most of you" he said more pointing at Reese because he started and was doing it the loudest. "Anyways Jake" he looked confused then realized "Jake, Goalie, 21 #20" then a few more went and we were done, Once we were done we got up and everyone went to workout except Mitch lucky me "How does it feel that you get to spend so much time with your dear older brother," he said "You are older by 10 minutes are you ever going to let that go" I responded "No why do you think my number is 10" I just shook my head and said "Anyways I when are you guys going to be on the ice" He looked like he was thinking until he shouted "Hey capptin when are we going to be on the ice" Greyson looked up and looked not pleased "How many times do I have to tell you to stop calling me that and in like an hour and a half why" Mitch responded "Number one never and my sissy here wanted to know" I just nodded got my thing and went to my truck sense I am like 10 minutes from the stadium I will got to our dorm and get my skates and go back in like an hour. I wasn't tired so I decided to actually get ready I showed blow-dried my wavy hair and then put it in a clip just so I could see when looking through my camera. I didn't change my clothes but I did change my socks into socks that will fit in my skates and grabbed my skates and headed back to the rink.

 I didn't change my clothes but I did change my socks into socks that will fit in my skates and grabbed my skates and headed back to the rink

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What Brooklyn was wearing

What Josh and Brooklyn's matching tattoos look like

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What Josh and Brooklyn's matching tattoos look like

What Josh and Brooklyn's matching tattoos look like

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Brooklyn truck

A/N: I did change Mitch's name in this book from Josh so if you see a Josh just know that it's Mitch, not a new person. Also changed Greyson's name from Nich so that is also not a new person that is just Greyson.

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