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The hard packed earth struck his feet as the boy ran through the waist high, yellowed grass. It was still damp from the rain the night before and his bare feet stung against stones and sticks but he continued to run from the sounds of his mother behind him.

"I hate you, you stupid, fat, horrible mother! I'm running away!" He screeched into the open gray sky, letting the wind carry his voice and his anger back to her.

"You think I want you anymore!? I hope you're gone before I can catch you, ungrateful little bastard!" His mothers yells were swallowed by the expanse of field and the sky, and the wind in his ears made her shrieks as faint as his slowly disappearing house as it faded into the distance.
He ran fast and hard but he knew she would not catch him. He was going to a place where surely no one would follow.

As he neared the forbidden wall, the clouds hanging over the land beyond grew more ominous and frightening. They were sure to block out almost all the sun possible for one standing underneath. He almost second guessed his decision.

No. I'm doing this. I need to do this.

When he reached the towering stone wall, he stopped. He began to scale an adjacent crooked tree. When he met the top, he crawled until he reached the end of the longest branch.

He did not think. He knew if he thought, he wouldn't have the nerve to jump but when his hands made contact with the rough stone top of the wall, he let out a screech of relief, and as he looked over the yellowing field and gray sky he felt triumphant and free.

The silhouette of his mother was growing closer but it was already too late. He jumped down onto the hard dark ground on the other side of the wall and sprawled out onto his back, already starting to feel bruises form on his skin. His mother could not follow him here; she wouldn't dare to go over the wall, even for her son.

Plus, He thought, smirking, She'd break the branch.

His smile faded from his lips as the noises started.

Struggling to get to his feet, he turned.

Bring it on. He thought at whatever would be soon emerging from the shadows. Whatever this place throws at me, it'll be a million times better than my village.

I will succeed.

To hell with the kingdoms.

The Fate of Alleria - Book One (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now