Chapter Ten

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Tasia could hardly believe her eyes.

They were free.

Well, free of the cell, but still.

Aster is a genius.

Dessi scrunched her nose up. "You're kidding me. I've been sitting here for sixty years, and I could have done that the whole time?"

Calix looked delighted, but Kieran hesitated.

"Should we really be doing this?" He questioned. "I mean, maybe we should just cooperate. I have a feeling that the ramifications of escaping his prison are worse than just following what he says."

Aster stopped, already making a move for the door. "You're not serious. We have a way out. We're taking it."

"Is that really the smartest option?"

"Do the moons shine? Yes!" Aster pushed the door open father, wincing slightly as it let out a shrill whine. "Look, if you'd like to sit and rot in this prison, be my guest. But I'm going."

"Me too." Tasia said quickly. The feisty Wverian princess made her feel a little less scared. Aster almost seemed like she had every situation under her control.

And I can get Athea out of here, too.

"I'm going." Calix agreed, glancing at Kieran. He looked like the same thoughts were running through his brain too.

"Fine." Kieran shook his head. "But if we get caught and tortured to death, I get to say I told you so."

Aster held the door open for them as they filed out, and Tasia stood up properly for the first time in what felt like days, but had really been only maybe twenty-four hours. She stretched as tall as she could, relishing the feeling.

"Wait!" Someone called. Turning, Tasia realized it was Dessi. Somehow, she had forgotten about the prisoner. She had been uncharacteristically quiet. Her hands were clasped around the bars, and for once she looked... pleading.

"Get me out of here." She demanded, gaze directed at Aster. She was extending her second bobby pin toward her.

Kieran's eyebrows drew together. "Aren't you a criminal? We don't know what you've done. You could murder us in our sleep!"

"I'm not a criminal!" She protested. "I was really put in here for not blindly following Jesse as emperor. That should put me on your side."

Tasia could tell Aster was seriously considering it. She, for one, thought it was a decent idea. Dessi had the same nature as Aster, in a way. Fierce. She was a little crude, but what could one expect from someone who had been locked away for sixty years? And she didn't usually like new people. But Dessi felt... safe.

"Plus, there's nobody who knows Empire better than me. You're going to need a guide if you want to survive."

"She's right." Calix agreed. "We don't know what's out there. We could get lost, and wind up right back here. Jesse won't take any second chances. He'll double our locks, and then we'll have no choice but to comply."

Aster nodded, convinced. "Okay. I'll free you. But," She continued, "You have to stick with us."

"I promise." Dessi handed her the bobby pin, and Aster went to work on the lock.

Tasia wasn't sure how honorable a promise was from Dessi, but Calix was right. They definitely needed a guide.

"They keep ganging up on me." Tasia jumped as Kieran whispered close to her ear, like they were best friends. She laughed a little, politely.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2022 ⏰

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