CHAPTER 5 A quiet day? Part I

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The next day I woke up very early, the clock tells me that it is 0500 hours, it is not yet dawn, waking up in bed is a strange feeling, the icy breeze in contact with my bare skin feels strange, I think it is something that I'll get used to it quickly.

I get up from my bed and walk to the private bathroom in my room, due to fatigue I didn't tell them that the kansen residences have private rooms and all the rooms have private bathrooms, in short, you could walk around naked in your room and no one would complain about anything.

Me: As long as you're inside your room.

If you leave your room naked, you can be arrested by the military police for the crime against modesty and creating disorder.

I washed up and after dressing I left my room and walked outside, the cold morning breeze hit my body when I went outside, I walked through the desert base, it looked like a ghost town, it's early morning so I don't think anyone walks At this time, it's just me.

I have also heard that the girls who belong to the military police are the ones who go around the base at 24 hours to patrol.

I walked to the pier and looked at the sea, I raised my hand and a bucket and a fishing rod appeared.

Yes, I want to practice one of my former commander's hobbies, my commander liked to fish, when he was on break he would go fishing, yes, I want to fishing.

So after assembling my things I sit on a bench that I summon from my ship and I start fishing until 0600 hours.

After 0600 hours I have a bucket full of fish so I store some of those fish in my freezer in the kitchen of my ship and the rest I clean the bones and the organs of the fish and after some things I prepare grilled fish and like fish accompanied with a good coffee.

Me: Simply delicious.


Wales and Cleveland walk near the beach while admiring the base.

Cleveland: The base is getting more animated than ever.

Wales: Eagle Union and Royal Navy forces are concentrated at this base, things will get busier and livelier by the minute.

Cleveland: You know who's coming from my side?

Wales: Yeah, it's Enterprise.

Cleveland: (pouting) Let me finish talking.

Wales: I already read the report so you can't take me off guard.

Cleveland: (pouts) Moo, you're not funny.

Wales: Enterprise is too famous not to know about it.

Cleveland: Well you're right.

The two laugh at the comical situation.

Wales: The main force of the Royal will also be here soon, this base will become the main base in the Pacific.

Cleveland: In that case, let's go say hello to your friend who's anchoring in port! Let's go fast!

Wales only laughs at the situation, but without her noticing, there is a girl who passes near her, but since Wales is focused on her friend Cleveland, she does not notice the hooded girl who passes near her.

Cleveland: Quick!

Wales: Don't rush me.

The hooded girl stops at the port and in that a wind removes her hood surprising her a little, in the shot it is revealed that she is Ayanami Retrofit.

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