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Y/N, avid chicken sandwich lover. Was sitting on their porch gazing at the stars as they had their last meal of the day. A chicken sandwich. As they munched on the juicy white meat the bushes just next to porch, shook with a quiet scratch. "Must be a squirrel" they thought to themself. They could not be more wrong. As they went to take the final bite of their sandwich a deranged sweaty women popped from the brush and tackled them frightened . She Heaved heavily into their face. "What... are you... EATING?!" She screeched. Y/n pissed themself a little out of fear as this woman grabbed their shoulders, digging her nails into them. "A... chicken sandwich...?" They nearly sobbed, beginning to shake in fear. "CHICKEN?????!!!!" Screeched the woman. "YOU MURDERER!!!! YOU ARE A MURDERER!!!" You felt tears start to form in your eyes. "I... I'm only eating a chicken sandwich-" You were suddenly interrupted. "THAT CHICKEN HAD A FAMILY!!! YOU ARE A HORRIBLE PERSON!!!!" She spat into your face. You attempted to push her away but it was useless, she only moved closer.
Eventually, You drew her closer. You couldn't believe what you were seeing. That woman, who was oh so cruel to you about your chicken sandwich, was starting to look awfully beautiful. Like the image of a Vegan Goddess staring you down like you were at the pearly gates themselves. You wanted to kiss her. That's all you wanted to do. You leaned in to yell at her but eventually, your lips did the talking. Faster and faster you started to kiss her. You kept going. Your mouth couldn't stop. Eventually you continued to keep kissing. This is something that you knew you would regret. "I want you to eat me the way you eat your vegetables" you said, just barely getting the words out. The Vegan teacher looked. She was curious. And as she leaned into you, you weren't greeted with a kiss. Instead, she kicked you in the balls. It hurt. You had an owie for several days. You couldn't even stand up. You started to bleed right on her vegan ass feet. "That's what you get for being a meathead" the teacher spoke. And she ran away. She was never seen again.

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