Meeting Kurtsworld96

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A/n: OML I've never wrote one about fictional characters so I wanna give it a try! It's y/n's POV Btw.

My friends interrupt me from watching my favorite streamer kurtsworld96. They think I'm obsessed with him, but I'm not. I mean yeah he's hot but right now he's- well i don't know to be honest . Killing people??? "Come on y/n!!! Let's go out and partyyyy or just have our spree driver drive us around and pay him or her well!"  They shake me around and try to grab my phone. "Fine ugh!" I groan and I turn off Kurt's livestream and order a spree ride. I see "Kurt is your driver" I gulp. "Fuck" I think to myself. Kurt pulls up I get in first then my friends pile in and squish me in the middle. "One of you can sit up front. You look uncomfortable there." Kurt chuckles and winks at me. "N-no- it's okay" I say very nervously . My friends giggle and stare at me " come on you know you're in loveeeeeee with him" "shut up!" I throw up my hands then I crawl up front before they embarrass me anymore than they already have. "So you want me to drive you guys around?" Kurt asks and raises his eyebrow with confusion. "Yeah I guess so"I shrug "excellent" he says in a kinda creepy voice " what's with all the cameras you weirdo!?" Says my friend Amanda and she shivers in fear, trying to grab onto one of the others "Well for my safety you know?"  Replies Kurt as he shrugs. I just stare at Kurt and he looks back at me. "Pay attention to the road!!!!" Yells Amanda as she starts hyperventilating cause she's terrified of Kurt- He's driving through red lights and everything.

Kurt's POV
I picked up a bunch of girls and one of them is sitting in the passenger seat. Damn she's hot. I can't take my eyes off her. Her friends are annoying. "If you girls get thirsty there's some water back there" "guys don't drink the water trust me..." says the girl up front. "Why not y/n? I love water!" Says one of them. "Yeah y/n why not?" I say. " y'all haven't realized who this guy is yet?" "Y/n we know he's that live streamer you're obsessed with" her face turns to a bright red shade. It's extremely cute.... "You watch me?" I ask. "Ye- yeah I I do- but but I'm im not obsessed with you-" "haha it's okay if you are. I think it's rather cute" I say. She blushes even more and hides in your hoodie. I can't help but laugh a little.
"So you know about the lesson then huh?" I ask
She nods her head. "Yes-" "I GOTTA PEE! CAN WE STOP AT A GAS STATION OR SOMETHING!!!!" Yells one of y/n's friends and she starts hitting the back of my seat very repeatedly. "Sure I need to get gas anyway" I say as I pull over towards a gas station. I get out of the car and start filling it up with gas.

He may be crazy but not in the way everyone thinks ( Kurt Kunkle x reader)Where stories live. Discover now