Last Day

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~~~~Natalie's P.O.V~~~~

'Dear Diary,

Okay so its already the last month of school and it makes me sad. *draws a crying emoji* So me and my girly best friend Thalia which she preffered I call her Lia. Makes someeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee plans for this month to enjoy our last month of summer but you know what? that "some" she was saying isnt some. she made a list and made a date to everything what and where are we going to do and going to sucks right? no? ohh you know why it suck cause she didnt tell me, and i know its just going to be all about girly stuff. LOL just joking. Lia isnt the girly girl you imagined she hides her extreme and boyish side of hers and i know this last month will be awesome and extreme!!!!!

so this just for today.

p.s i really need to call you something not diary its kinda girly. eww

xx. Nat'

I close my notebook or my diary that's what Lia says. So its the last day of the last month of summer I wonder what Lia is up to this day.


guess who said that. yes you are totally right its my bestfriend Thalia.

great she's up to something.


Oh I forgot to mention that we live in the same house without any adults yes. you read that right without. if you can see right now im winking lol. so back on the story

she's skipping coming to me while she has a planner on her hand then stops

"I told you NEVER call me Thalia please" she said  while pouting and bit angry. see what I live with this chick

"Okayyyy.... so what?"

"so tomorrow...." oh here it comes "pack your things we are going to New Jersey


"what?!" she crazy thats why i love her. please say we are going to six flags please please please

"WE'RE GOING TO SIX FLAGS BABY" She said while dancing in a.... weird way

YES SHE SAID IT and that dance is really weird.

So its the first day so why not spend my time packing my things already.

"Hey Nat, after six flags we are going somewhere but you chose!" She said

"Its that the way you are feeling sorry for me that you didn't even got balls to tell me that you're planning something this month? And which is being—-" I got cut by her. Saying shhh.

"Dude, eww why did I use that. Girl," I look at her 'you sure about calling me aa girl look' she continued "you were busy so I didn't have some guts to tell you" yeah I was busy last month I got some things that needed to be done


 two week before school ends Lia have some enemies and she wasn't good at handling enemies and she wasn't good at it. So I decided to get revenge on what they did to my poor sweet lia.

so I got some paint and balloons for the three meanies who still bullies lia.

Barbara Williams one of the mean girls in such. Used to be best friends with us but turned out to be against us in second year. Has Blonde straight hair and her hair is perfect. Uck. Have dark blue eyes and have a plastic smile.

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