The date starts! (Contains smut)

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Author speaking: Hi! Since this chapter contains, smut, I decided to spice it up a little bit. You see the song i've put up there? Don't play it yet. I will tell you when you can start listening to it.
When I arrived to the entrance hall, Draco was already there. When he saw me, his eyes lit up with happiness. "Wow Hermione! You look butiful." he said. "Thanks!" I exclaimed, smiling. We walked out of the school and Draco asked, "Do you think we should Aparate or just walk?" "I think we could Aparate to make things faster." I said. "Ok. I've only done it twice so hopefully we don't die or something." I said, laughing. Draco smiled. "I don't think that'll happen." he said reassuringly. When we had Aparated, (We didn't die), we went up to the counter and ordered two butterbeers. When we had sat down to wait for our drinks, Draco said, "I think we're in luck today." "Why?" I asked. "Because it's a Saturday and we don't have classes tomorrow." he said. "I think it really worked out for us." I said greatful that we hadn't started this date off awkwardly. "Do you think we should tell people we're going out?" he asked. I blushed a light shade of pink. "Maybe we should wait a while." I said looking away to hide my face. "Yes I think so to. I don't really know how people will take it." "Me neither especially because we're from rival houses." "Yeah it's going to be a very tricky situation." "It definitely will but we will do whatever it takes." Before I could answer, the waitress had come with our drinks. We thanked her and she walked away. "What do you think about Potions?" I asked Draco. "I really enjoy it for some reason." "I think it's kind of hard but I still think it's interesting." "It's pretty easy once you get the hang of it. I can help you if you'd like." I smiled at him, "Thanks." I said. We continued chatting for about two more hours and then decided to go back to school because it was getting late. When we aparated again outside of the school, Draco said, "Uh, Hermione, would you like to um, come to my common room?" he asked. I looked at him in shock. "But wouldn't your friends think it's weird?" "No I think it'll be find because everyone's still out doing their thing since it's the weekend." "Ok, sure!" I said happily. This could go in so many ways!! Then I remembered Harry's words on Thursday. "Don't come back not a virgin Hermione." I smiled knowingly and we went inside and Draco lead the way to the Slytherin common room. He said the password and we went inside. As he had predicted, the room was weirdly empty. "Oh good! There still out!" he said cherily. "What should we do now?" he smiled at me and my stomach flipped pleasantly. He lead me to a couch and we sat down. Then, he said it! "Hermione, i've been liking you for a very long time but I never knew how to tell you. But now, I know for sure that this is what I want and hope it's what you want to. Do you want to be my girlfriend?" My mouth fell open in shock and happiness. "Oh my god! Yes! I want to be your girlfriend!" I squealed. He then leaned in and kissed me! I kissed him back. It was so sweet and passionate and we got lost in the kiss and it's intensity. When we broke apart, he said, "Want to go up to my dorm?" "Yes." We went up the boys' staircase and Draco opened the door. No one was in sight. Then I realised that I didn't know what to do! Luckily, Draco made the first move. (You can start listening to it now) He started to kiss me slowly making his way down to my neck. One thing lead to another and soon I was lightly pushed on to Draco's bed. He got on top of me and looked in to my eyes. "Do you want to?" he asked. I couldn't resist him any longer. "Yes!" I said breathlessly. Draco started to undress himself and then, took off my dress, bra, and panties. Then, he layed back. I knew exactly what he wanted. What I wanted. I decided to tease him a little. I put my mouth on the tip of it and started sucking it slowly. He moaned and I kept going until I had taken it all in. "Oh yes! Keep going!" he moaned. I kept going until he said, "I'm going to cum!" he almost screamed. Then he did, in my mouth. It was so good and I swallowed it all. Once he was done, he said, "What do you prefer?" I didn't say anything, I just showed him. I got on the bed on my hands and knees and arched my back. "This. Are you down?" I smirked at him. "Yes." he said.
Author speaking: Hi guys! This was my first time writting smut so hope you guys enjoy. Bye!

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