Chap. One

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~Shawn's POV~
"Hay man." Nash said, coming into my room quietly. "How're you holding up?"
I was sitting on a chair by my desk, staring out the window at the reddening leaves on the tree outside, sitting where I'd been for the past six months. Aaliyah, my sister, used to play in that tree when she visited the house me and several of the guys shared.
"Fine." I said rather blandly, my voice rough from not talking much. In reality, I wasn't really fine at all.
"Me and the guys are just worried about you, you know? You've barely eaten anything, you hardly sleep and when you do you toss and turn, you stay up here all day, occasionally coming out for the shower and restroom, and your fans are going bizzerk wondering where you are and what happened to you." As he said this, he walked closer, crouching in front of me.
I looked away from the window which had captured and held my attention for over two hours and looked at Nash with my blank and empty eyes. He looked at me with a sorrowful and sympathetic expression.
What was I doing? Waisting my life doing nothing, disappointing fans and friends. Aaliyah wouldn't want that for me.
"At least come down stairs. We're planning on watching Keeping Up With The Kardashians and just relaxing, givin that it's Thanksgiving day. Wanna join us? Well, the guys that are still here. Two of them went home for about two weeks."
"I'm good here." I looked back outside at the tree which immediately drew in almost all of my attention again.
"Look, you need to get up. If you don't come down stairs, I'll get someone else to help me and we will carry you down to the living room. You don't have to join us for the movie. Why not at least go for a walk, huh?" Nash said sternly. I know he was only trying to help me but I just wanted to be left alone.
I stood up and slowly, with no life in my tread, walked down the hall and down stairs to the front door where my shoes were, hoping that everyone would leave me alone if I came down for a bit.
"Hey Shawn!" Cameron said when he saw me walk by the living room. I saw Cameron and Matthew sitting, each on different chairs, in front of the TV in the living room as I passed them and put on my shoes.
"I'm going on a walk." I said to no one in particular.
"Kay. See you when you get back!" Matt called after me as I went outside.
It was kind of chilly, being fall and all but I didn't go back inside to grab a jacket or coat or anything. I strangely welcomed the cold air tickling at my cheeks and it didn't seem to bother me.
Yeah, it was thanksgiving day and I had almost nothing to be thankful for, except for my life. I shouldn't even be here. I should be with my family at home, eating a meal that my mom cooked and laughing with my little sister. But I couldn't. Never again could I.
I walked to the nearest park and sat on one of the swings. There was a girl on one of the other swings with her face in a book, gently swinging as she read. I saw that she was reading a beat-up and dirty copy of The Maze Runner.
Since it didn't appear that she had seen me, I ignored the fact that she was there and stared at the dark gray clouds that threatened to either pour rain down or sprinkle snowflakes on us.
"Aren't you cold?" A quiet voice asked. I looked at the girl who was in the near by swing and she was looking at me.
Deep down I hoped she wouldn't recognize me and start fangirling. Make no mistake, I loved my fans but sometimes I just needed some space.
"Not really." I replied. "Okay, maybe a little." I could suddenly feel the cold air on my skin and it slowly sinking in. It was at this point that I regretted not taking a jacket.
"Here," She walked over to me, taking off one of her jackets that looked a little big for her and handed it to me.
I could see what she looked like better now. She had a natural mixture of brown and sandy blond hair - mainly brown - that was put into two small braids, greyish-blue eyes that looked tired, and even with her jacket I could see she had nice, even curves. She was fairly skinny as if she had little to eat. Her jeans hung loosely her legs and shirt was well fitted and modest. On her face were a several cuts from what looked like shards of glass. They were small and numerous, mainly on the left side of her face, like she's fallen down on a broken bottle. All this I took in rather quickly but decided not to ask about the cuts.
"Thank you but I can't take your jacket. You'd get cold." I protested, pushing back her outstretched hand that held the jacket.
"No, really. It's okay. I honestly don't mind. I already have a jacket and you look just about chilled to the bone." Her face was nice and her cheeks and nose were rosy.
"Thank you." I hesitantly took the jacket from her and put it on, warmth starting to replace the cold instantly. The sleeves came all the way down to my mid hands and it was cosy and still warm from when the girl wore it.
"Hey! Look at that! It fits great!" She smiled at me, a genuine, generous smile. I gave her I tired smile in return. This was the first time that I had smiled in six months.
"The sunset is beautiful, isn't it?" She said with a sigh. "What's your name?" She asked, sitting in the swing next to the one I was on.
"Shawn." I replied.
"Is your last name Mendes by any chance?" Oh great, please don't be a fangirl!
"Um yeah. Yeah, that's me." I looked away from her and at my hands.
"I greatly enjoy your music, by the way. Whatever I can get to." she said confidently but with a hint of shyness.
"Are, are you a, a, a fan?" I stuttered, hoping she wasn't going to ask for a picture.
"Um, I don't know about fan. When someone says 'fans', I think of screaming girls that chase you around if they ever catch sight of you." I chuckled a little at this. Some girls have actually done that before.
"Are you one of those girls?" I asked, interested.
"Oh, goodness, no. For one, I don't think I'd be able to run that much, and two I don't want the celeb or person to be creeped out or feel like I'm interrupting or invading on some them-time." She said, using her hand to emphasize what she was saying.
I laughed a half-hearted laugh at this. It felt strange laughing after so long, even if it was only a partial laugh.
"Anyway. It was wonderful to meet you Mr. Mendes." She said, stretching out her hand.
"Please, calls Shawn." I shook her hand. "And it was nice meeting you too..."
"Melyssa, but most everyone called me Mel or Lyss."
"It was nice to meet you too, Mel." I gave her a smile and she started walking off in the same direction I came from.
I sat on the swing a little longer, thinking about Mel and how she gave me her jacket. No one had ever done that for me. I smiled just thinking about it, finally thankful that I had something else that didn't hurt so much to think about going through my head.
I was thankful for meeting Mel. That's what I was thankful for this Thanksgiving.

Wow! 1,200+ words for a first chapter! Not bad, right? Well, anyway, I hope you guys enjoy this story! I also have another one I'm working on (The Nerd) so updates might be weirdly spaces. Thanks for reading!
Yeah. Thank you! :)

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