Chap. Three

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•Melyssa's POV•
'I met Shawn Mendes. The Shawn Mendes.' My mind had been going crazy thinking about him for the past two hours. He was honestly different from what I expected. Sadder for one. Very sad. I was never one for following gossip blogs and news channels so I wasn't sure why he was so sad. Maybe the stress of being famous had something to do with it. Maybe he was getting too much hate and was rethinking the whole singing career. There are so many possibilities.
I walked back to where my "home" was and turned on my flashlight. Even though the light was dim, I could still see all the dust floating in the air.
Thankfully, the place where I was was an abandoned two story office building of some kind that barely anyone visited, unless they were 1: kids that were looking for a scare since they thought the building was haunted,
2: drunks who don't know where they're going,
3: other people like me who were looking for shelter, or
4: some of my old class mates who come to torment me. I'm not going to school any more yet I still get bullied. To say the least, my stay here hasn't gone without an adventure of some kind.
I walked to what used to be the storage room and unlocked the door. I had found the key awhile ago while searching for a safe place to stay and thought that this was as good a place as any. Since the storage closet doorknob could only be locked from the outside, I changed it for on of the private office door doorknobs. The lock was really convenient for when other people came to the building cause I could either lock myself in the storage closet and stay there till the strangers left or I could lock it and leave and have no fear of other people stealing what little I had. That's looking on the bright side. There was still very little to eat, the night was almost always cold, the air got stale really fast after closing the door, and some of my old school fellows - i.e. bullies - knew I came here a lot so they would sometimes come over when they were drunk or high and make my life worse. Yeah. Fun.
'What to do now?' I thought. It was only around 8 at night and I had done all that I needed for the day, not that that much needed to be done. I had looked for a job with absolutely no success, I had gotten what little food I could get, and I had reviewed what I learned from school. Now it's time for relaxing and music listening.
It was so peaceful. Shawn's music coming to my ears from the speaker on my iPod while I laid down in my makeshift bed with the lights off. I left the door slightly open so it wouldn't get stuffy in my closet and everything just felt so nice, despite my current situation.
Several songs later, I was nearly asleep, Shawn's music still playing, when I felt a strong but slightly clumsy slap on my leg. I then felt a strong hand grab me by my arm and pull me up and off my bed so I was standing.
"So this is your hiding place, huh?" Someone with horrible breath smelling of alcohol said right in my face. I knew the voice from my time at school. It was Brian, the worst of my bullies. Every other girl at school saw him as a hot mass of a guy and they absolutely adored him.
He was a senior whereas I used to be a sophomore. He and his gang of four where the only people who knew where I lived and thankfully, as far as I knew, they kept it a secret. In his gang, there was Brenda - his girlfriend, Riley - his best man, and Jone - Riley's girlfriend.
"Do you want a drink?" Brian said, bringing a bottle up to my face.
"No." I yelled, trying to yank my arm out of his pinching grasp.
"Works for me." he said, his body swaying slightly from the alcohol running through his blood and my struggling. "None left anyway. I just thought you might want some cause of your banishment. I mean, I would try forget my mom and dad kicking me out too." His breath reeked of alcohol and his breathing in my face was making me dizzy.
"How do you know about that?" I asked as sternly as I could manage. No one outside my immediate family knew.
"Let's just say, I know a guy. Wanna meet him?"
I felt him drag me out of my closet home and into the dimly lit lobby where everyone else from his gang was.
As we came nearer he said, "She didn't want a drink." He took the nearly empty bottle in his hand and dropped it onto the floor with enough force to shatter it.
'Not again.' I thought to myself, trying to keep my composure.
"Hey look." Brenda, Brian's girlfriend said, pointing to the broken bottle. "There was still some left in there."
"Oh so there was. Looks like you get that drink after all." Brian said into my ear, sending disgusted shivers down my spine. I tried to brace myself for what I knew would happen next, but no amount of bracing could stop me from falling, face first, to the ground when Brian shoved me. Thankfully, my reflexes kicked in and my hands flew out in front of me, softening the hard and sudden contact with the ground, although it didn't help as much as I hoped it would. The stench of the alcohol burned my nose and the shards of glass stung in my cheek, shoulders, and hands. I looked up at the people surrounding me and noticed that they were closing in. I also noticed an addition to his gang. A guy. Even though my vision was a bit blurry, he looked familiar but I couldn't put my finger on where I'd seen him before.
"HELP!" I screamed, right as a hand slapped me across the left side of my face, pushing the shards of glass deeper into my skin. I desperately hoped someone heard my scream. After the slap, I felt a painful jab in my back from a kick, causing me to slide slightly over the broken glass. Brian was about to strike another blow when I heard something new.
"Hey!" Someone called from the doorway to the building. I heard the familiar smack of a fist colliding with a face and saw Brian fall to the ground, a cut right below his eye from the power of the punch. Brian, being the tough guy he was, stood up and came at the guy who punched him, giving me enough time to scurry, or rather, to crawl away. I heard the other four of Brian's gang rushing out the door, so all that was left was Brian, his attacker/my rescuer, me, and another guy I had only just noticed. The third one started walking towards me while the other guy continued fighting Brian. My mind was still foggy from the stench of the alcohol and from the events that just took place that I couldn't really see what anyone was doing and who was throwing which punch.
The third guy came to my side and gently helped me to my feet.
"Are you okay?" He asked, concern evident in his voice.
"I'm fine." I lied even though it was obvious that I wasn't alright. I loosening myself out of his grasp and he let me go but still had a concerned look on his face. "Thank you and your friend for helping me." I turned around and ran as fast and as steady as I could back to my closet, locking the door behind me. I didn't even stay to see who my second rescuer was.

Kind of a darker chapter, me thinks. Did anyone realize that that was the same Brian and Brenda from Reject, the short story I wrote for my imagine collection? :D
Anyway, thank you for reading and for your support! It means the world to me!
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(6/15/15, 12:58)

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