A Lone King

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Kirito's POV:

Everything went along as it always did.

Monster here. Trap there. Spar with Eugeo. All the girls check on me. Then I end my day.

Boring as hell.

Granted, I dedicated my life to these citizens. I wanted to protect them. To preserve the life here.

But I couldn't help that a part of me.. feels missing?

I don't know how to explain it. As happy as everyone made me, there was no true fulfillment in my world.

"Kiritoooooo. There you go spacing out again." a soft laugh brought me out of a daze.

"Sorry, Eugeo. I've just had a lot on my mind."

"Of course! You are a busy king after all. Which is why you need to stay strong for all of us like we know you can be! Which is also why you'll be sparing me for an hour and 30 today."

"What?! Pushing practice up a half an hour? Why?"

"Stamina! There are no break in real battles, Kirito. Don't whine about it. Get ready cause it starts during your nap time!". He walked away throwing his head back in humor.

"OH COME ON THAT'S JUST CRUEL!" I shouted, but I doubt he could hear me.

Ughhhhhh. See? You all saw that right?

"Oni-Channnn." the one and only Leafa pranced to my throne. "Wanna go on a walk?"

She asked the same question almost every day at the same time.

"Sure. Fresh air will do me good." I say as always.

Walking around the Cathedral grounds, we admired the town folk life. People started bowing fervently as I walk by.

"Excuse me your highness". I startled at the voice behind me. The town people were usually afraid of me, it was unlike them to speak unprovoked.

I turned to the blueberry I'd like to call Sinon, who chuckled along side the Integrity Knight, Alice.

"Oh boy. What are you guys up to now?". The two joined the walk.

"We just finished training actually. It's play time." Alice hummed with joy.

"Ugh. I don't even wanna hear the word 'train'" I slouch.

"Awwww. Big ole grouchy King got his nap time taken away." Sinon teased which forced snorts out of Leafa and Alice.

"Heyyyyy." I pouted and turned to Leafa, feeling betrayed by my own sister.

"Sorry. Maybe a quick warm up will help you feel pumped for the session." Leafa cowered in helplessness.

"I'm thinking... a race?" Sinon lifted a brow.

"YOURE ON SISTER!" Alice pushed Sinon out the way, taking off in a sprint.

"No fair!" Sinon chased.

"Wait for me, cheaters!" Leafa trailed behind.

"Kids these days." I joke to myself, still enjoying my leisurely stroll.

I cut through to the forest. Sometimes monsters would accidently spawn here, but I lived for the action.

The sun broke up, casting leaf shaped shadows on my face.

It's good to escape every once in a while, the air felt thicker in these parts.


Something fell through the trees, shaking the ground.


I unsheathed my Caliber. Ready for anything.

A rustle sound could still be heard, allowing me to chase the creature to it's ends.

I ran, cutting down any branch that stood in my path and jumping over the logs that already befell the forest.

"AHA!" I yelled , my hand drew back my sword.



My body froze. No way, I almost killed a subject?!

"Show your face!" I demanded. I mean, who was climbing the trees like that? In the middle of the afternoon?

Coming closer to the person, I saw that it was indeed 2 people. A little girl and a woman. The little girl's hands that shielded her face slowly fell.

"Please. Don't hurt us..."

I analyzed the situation. I knew almost every person in this world and every person born. I had never seen these two faces, ever.

"I'm not going to hurt you, I promise!" I put my sword away and smiled to appear less threatening. "What's your name? What are you doing here?".

"M-my name?... My name is Yui. I don't really know what happened that lead us here. I can't remember much besides falling." The small girl scratched her head innocently.

"What about the lady?". My eyes peeled to the woman. She lay dormant in white cloth. Long honey hair framed the petite woman. It was as if an Angel fell from the sky.

"Her? Oh. That's my Mommy!"

"Mommy... then.. there must be a Daddy right?". Was that too personal of a question to ask?

"Um... no? She saved me and called me her daughter. That makes her my Mommy! Do you get it now?"

"Ohhhhhh!" I over exaggerated because it didn't make sense. The girl was undeniably adorable though. Who am I to crush her spirit?

"Mommy?" The sweet child stroked her mother's unconscious face. The woman did not respond, she was still visibly breathing.

"I'm King Kirito. If you'll let me, I can help you get medical attention. And then we can have treats. What da ya say?" I used my friendly voice. I didn't want her to think it was a trap.

"Hmmm... Ok!". She rose to her bare feet, making her the height of my belly button. Small cuts and scrapes bled from all over her arms and legs.

I lifted the woman gently princess style. She remained limp and just as scraped up as the girl.

Must I reiterate, this lady truly looked like an Angel . But I must ignore the manly urge to look at pretty things all day. These people needed my help.

"Follow me." I ordered the toddler. In response she grabbed my cloak and let herself be led.


A/N: Welcome to the new book guys! I will be updating at least once a week. I wasn't kidding when I said I wanted to make a longer book. I had this AU idea which is based on the Alicization setting so here's the pilot. Hope you guys like it!.

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