She Speaks!

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Kirito's POV:

The two followed me to the kitchen by my side.

"Excuse me, is there any way you could prepare three bowls of beef stew?" I asked the head chef.

"Of course, your Majesty!" She bowed and began to pull out ingredients. I led the girls to our smaller dining area.

"Trust me when I say this stew is the best. May not be soup, but it's nourishing for the soul." I put my palm on my belly in remembrance.

"I- Ive never had a stew before!" Yui admitted. Her face exuded excitement.

"Y-Your Majesty? You were looking for me?" Ronnie had finally made her way to me, behind her was Alice's sister, Selka.

Both of their gazes went past me, straight to the woman and the child who sat beside me.

"Yes! These are my guests. I would like for you to tend to them. For me."

"Yes, your Majesty. May I ask who they are? Or what their names are?"

"They are explorers of this land. The little one is Yui. The big one is.... uhhhh."

I began to get nervous as the two maidens turned their head in confusion. I realized, I was never told her name.

The scribbles of pen to paper interrupted us, the woman had brought her pen and notebook with her. She slid the notebook to me, the pen hit the table with a soft click.

"A-a-Asuna. Your name is Asuna?" I turned to her in awe. It's was a pretty name. From what was spelled, her name translated to 'tomorrow's clear sunny day'. Which made sense because that's what she was. She was a beautiful day personified.

She nodded her head to confirm I had said it correctly.

"Can the girl not speak for herself?" Ronnie struck.

"Calm yourself. She means no disrespect. She was injured and can no longer speak." I rolled my eyes. Everyone seemed to be angered at the strangers who presented no threat.

"Maybe I can heal her?" Selka stepped up quietly.

"You think you can try?" I moved from my seat to allow Selka to sit.

She positioned Asuna to sit up straight with her neck exposed. She ignited her light element and began healing her vocal cords.

A yellow glow surrounded Selka's finger tips. I look off to my side to see Ronnie's face scrunched in worry and irritation. I put a hand in her shoulder.

"If they seemed like a threat, I wouldn't have let them in. They needed my assistance. As king, and as your friend, I would like for you to have more trust in me."

Her irritation melted into a look of hopelessness. "I know. I know I should. It's just.... I don't like this. There are rules here. There is structure. How did they get here?"

"I don't know that myself", I answer, "but it's fun to break the rules sometimes. I always did it for you. Remember?".

A small smile grew on her face remembering when I would sneak out of my "king training" to share deserts I had stolen from this kitchen with her.

"Ok, Asuna. Can you try to speak?"

I unconsciously leaned in. I could be hearing her voice for the first time.

"M-Mm-mm" Asuna hummed. We all stood silent.

"Take your time." Selka reassured her.

"My name. My name is Asuna Yuuki." She finally spoke. Her voice was sultry and hoarse from the damage. There was still a sweet tone that hid underneath her vocals.

The heavens had created her voice with the strings of a harp.

"Very nice to meet you, Asuna! I'm Selka!" The healer greeted kindly. She loved her patients, Asuna was no different for her.

"T-thank you so much... how could I repay you?" Asuna shyly whispered.

"No worries, I serve at the pleasure of the king."

"Now can you tell us where you're from?" Ronnie urged.

"Easy, Ronnie. Let them eat and rest tonight. She just got her voice back, give her a break.". What was up with her?

Eugeo marched into the dinning hall as soon as our stew was served. I dismissed Selka and Ronnie to give us some privacy.

"The council would like to meet with you tomorrow morning." He stated. His face unamused.

"Do you know anything about what they are going to say?"

"Dunno. You'll see tomorrow I guess". He walked away in a pivot.

He's never spoken to me without addressing me properly when it comes to serious matters.

For some reason. It felt like everyone was mad at me. I didn't even do anything wrong.

"I'm sorry you're going through all this trouble for us." Asuna spoke bringing me out of my thoughts.

"Don't worry about it! It's nothing. Everyone has just been so used to the familiar, they've become scared of what's new." I sat down to enjoy my stew finally.

"Why aren't you scared of us?" Those big carmel eyes were back, it was hard to think with her looking at me like how she was. Shadowing her voice was Yui slurping at the hot stew.

"I don't have an answer for that myself actually".

"Is it because we're female?" She pouted angrily.

My heart suddenly pounded out of my chest. All of these facial expressions I'm now seeing. I couldn't ignore the feelings of a crush beginning to fester.

"N-NO! M-maybe it's because... in some weird way, you two are familiar to me."

Asuna grinned from ear to ear. She had accepted that answer. She lifted her spoon, and politely ate.

I looked away, trying to cool my red hot cheeks with the not so cooled skin from the back of my hands.

A/N: I'm Back! Slow burn kirisuna is hard. I just want them to kiss already :(. Next chapter on the way!

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