𝐄𝐥 𝐌𝐚𝐲𝐨𝐫/𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐎𝐥𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐭

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Hola (~ ̄▽ ̄)~

Dime, tienes hermanos menores?

Mi respuesta es obvia supongo, siempre supe que seria hermana mayor, aunque tengo tres hermanos mayores, también tengo hermanos menores y una hermana menor, es lindo si no lo piensas a fondo, si no piensas en la carga del mayor a fondo, es muy lindo.

No digo que ser el hermano mayor es malo, a mi me gusta, aprendí con el tiempo a ser una buena hermana mayor para mis hermanos, tenia que serlo, pero siempre hay "cosas" que te hacen sentir en presión con los pequeños.

Compartir cuarto es algunas veces muy incomodo, y cuando digo eso es porque es verdad, compartir ropa, muy incomodo si me preguntas a mi, además que pasa tanto con los mayores al igual que pasa con los menores, hay veces que la dejan manchada o con el olor a ese perfume empachoso que no se va por mucho que lo laves.

Compartir juguetes, el compartir juguetes cuando eres pequeño pero tienes un hermano o hermana más pequeño que tú es como estar en una batalla territorial, si no cuidas bien tus cosas te las roban y se quedan con ellas.

Compartir comida, un infierno de verdad, tu mismo te pones a comparar los platos o las bebidas para ver cual tiene más o cual tiene menos, con los confites/dulces como le llames, es muchísimo peor ya que son dulces, no quieres compartirlos ni siendo mayor o menor, esa es una de las cosas que no quieres compartir ni muerto, a menos que seas la persona más pura de corazón que haya en el mundo y los compartas como si no fueran nada, aunque yo prefiero la segunda no digo que no llegue a comportarme como la primera.

Educación, bueno, mi mamá nos educo a mis hermanos y a mi muy distinto a como educo a los que fueron después de nosotros, nosotros aprendimos muchas cosas que no debíamos hacer o decir, pero ellos no y eso nos molesta, aprendimos de la manera que un hermano mayor sabría aprender fácilmente pero nosotros estábamos pequeños aun cuando nos volvimos los cuatro pilares por ser mayores por algunos años.

No todo es caos y destrucción pero tampoco es flores y arcoíris, los mayores aprenden a cuidar a los demás ellos solos, mientras que los menores no lo hacen completamente.

Bueno, es de madrugada y debo dormir a pesar de estar en vacaciones.

Ahora si, es todo por hoy.

Nos vemos otro día. §(* ̄▽ ̄*)§

Hello (~ ̄▽ ̄)~

Tell me, do you have younger siblings?

My answer is obvious I guess, I always knew that I would be a big sister, although I have three older brothers, I also have younger brothers and a younger sister, it's nice if you don't think about it thoroughly, if you don't think about the burden of the older one thoroughly, it's very pretty.

I'm not saying that being the older brother is bad, I like it, I learned over time to be a good older sister for my brothers, I had to be, but there are always "things" that make you feel under pressure with the little ones.

Sharing a room is sometimes very uncomfortable, and when I say that it is because it is true,sharing clothes, very uncomfortable if you ask me, besides, it happens as much with older people as it does with minors, there are times that they leave it stained or with the smell of that stuffy perfume that doesn't go away no matter how much you wash it.

Sharing toys, sharing toys when you're little but you have a younger brother or sister is like being in a turf battle, if you don't take good care of your things they steal them and keep them.

Sharing food, a real hell, you yourself compare the dishes or drinks to see which has more or which has less, with candies/sweets whatever you call them, it is much worse since they are sweet, you do not want to share them or being older or younger, that's one of the things you don't want to share even if you're dead, unless you're the most pure-hearted person in the world and you share them as if they were nothing, although I prefer the latter I'm not saying that I didn't get to behave like the first.

Education, well, my mother educated my brothers and me very differently from how she educated those who came after us, we learned many things that we shouldn't do or say, but they didn't and that bothers us, we learned in the way that an older brother would know how to learn easily but we were small even when we became the four pillars for being older for a few years.

Not everything is chaos and destruction but neither is it flowers and rainbows, the older ones learn to take care of others by themselves, while the younger ones don't do it completely.

Well, it's early in the morning and I have to sleep despite being on vacation.

Now yes, that's all for today.

See you another day. §(* ̄▽ ̄*)§

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