Chapter One: Oops, Wrong Person

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Kaylee's POV

I was staring at my reflection on my bathroom mirror as I was talking to myself.

"Kaylee, you can do this. It's just high school. You survived through freshman, sophomore and junior year and you can survive a week of it as a senior. Now pull yourself together girl."

Oh, who am I kidding? I just woke up and my hair is all over the place, my eyes were droopy and I looked like a mess. Seeing the state of my hair, I decided not to wash it since I already did the night before. I stripped of my pajamas and stepped into the shower.

After I finished doing my morning rituals, I slipped on our academy's standard shoes; black loafers. I was about to grab my bag when the door unexpectedly opened to reveal my six best friends, Iris, Seth, Camryn, Travis, Julliana, Drew and my twin brother Kaleb.

" HURRY UP KAYLEE!" they screamed together. I was so shocked and scared at the same time, I jumped a feet away from my bag. But being the clumsy person I am I stepped on my rug and slipped. I ended up falling butt first. Everyone was silent as I groaned; a few seconds later they all burst out laughing like savage hyenas.

"Yeah, nice to know my pain causes you guys happiness" I sarcastically said to them as I got up from the floor and rubbed my sore bum.

Kaleb, Seth, Travis and Drew came to me and gave me nougie and said, "Quit the dramatics Clumsy Kaylee"

I quickly slapped their hands and fluffed my hair, "You guys, I worked hard to braid my hair you know" cue eye roll.

Iris, Camryn and Julliana grabbed my bag and my arm while scolding us, "We are going to be late you slowpokes"

I checked my skirt pocket to make sure I have my phone, earbuds and wallet. Yeah, I know my skirt pocket looks like a bloated balloon, but meh. As we were about to exit the house, "Hey, hey, I haven't eaten breakfast yet. Do you guys want me to starve to death?"

Iris and Julliana raised their eye brows at me and said, "I bet you ate two tubs of ice cream last night for dinner." And everyone nodded as a sign of their agreement. Me, well, I blushed because I knew they were right. Travis and the others laughed and snickered at the sight of me blushing.

"Eeessshh, guys. Don't need to rub it in my face'" the pink shade of cheeks turned even darker if that was possible.

Drew tossed me a Tupperware, but I didn't notice it so it smacked my face.

"Pfftt, ahhaahahah you can't even catch a Tupperware without being smacked in the face" Drew, laughed as he picked up the Tupperware on the floor after properly handing me a spoon and the said object.

Okay, I was clumsy and awkward.

I pouted at them and went out the door. I noticed that the van was their so I opened the door and sat at the back. But when I fixed my skirt I bumped my head against the window and everyone saw it, again.

"It's a miracle why you aren't in the hospital" Seth

"Yeah, I mean you slip and trip and bump your hip all the time. Hey that rhymed!" Drew

"Idiots" Iris

"Can we go now?" I said as I opened the Tupperware and proceeded to eat the choco chip waffles that Amber, Drew's mom made.

We rode in the van with silence which was surprising since we were never quite. Everyone was doing something, probably reviewing for our upcoming test.

The drive to the academy was a good 45 minutes away from our town. And we were all neighbors-slash-best friends-since diaper days so when we were freshmen we decided to just go to school together in a van. Carpooling is the next big thing you know.


45 minutes later and here we are in the parking lot inside the school grounds. Just in time, we have 20 minutes before the preparatory bell. The said bell was rung to alert all students that they have 5 minutes to get to class. Here in Golden Rose Academy we don't waste time, this is because the campus is huge.

Wait, why am I blabbering here? It's time for me to get to class, and I my classroom was at the farthest wing of the academy.

"Bye" I said over my shoulder as I ran away, but I didn't even reach two arm lengths away when I tripped.

I saw the freshmen and sophomores staring at me. I felt my blood rush to my face, instantly I got up and said "I uggh.... I meant to do that." And carefully brisk walked away.

I have a long and tiring day, up ahead.


My morning classes were done and it was lunch break. I had gym before lunch so go figure. I mean I'm not that athletic like the guys but I was physically fit and I played volleyball, heck I even go to the gym every Saturday.

When I finally changed back to my uniform, I quickly packed my things and headed out of locker rooms. I have to hurry since most classes will be over too and then everyone will be speeding to get to the cafeteria.

In my hurry, I saw Iris and Seth out of the corner of my eye. I began to approach them since I wanted to go with them. They always try to at least minimize my "falls".

Just as I was about poke Iris, a guy bumped into me causing me to poke the guy in front of her.

He was a couple inches taller than me and I was a 5'9. He had blonde locks and electric blue eyes.

He turned around with a smile showing his pearly white teeth.

Is this the part where I'm supposed to be blinded by his teeth? Like those corny TV Shows Iris, Camryn and Julliana watch. Where in the guy smiles, turns around and the wind blows his hair?

I snapped out of my ridiculous ideas when he spoke, "Mmm? Yes, what can I do for you?"

My eyes widen and blood rushed to my face. Shit. Well, this is embarrassing.

What was I supposed to say? "Uggh hi stranger I was not supposed to poke you. Sorry 'bout that. Tehehee"? NO! I don't thinks so.

"Ooops, sorry. Wrong person." Was the only and mind you, rather really brilliant response I could think of.

I didn't want to embarrass myself more, so I ran away. But I tripped. Period.


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