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We begin in a black room, with many clocks in the background, as a man with a book labelled 'Oma Advent Calendar' walks into view. This is Woz, the 'Prophet' of the future.

"According to this book, the ordinary high schooler (Y/N) (L/N) is fated to become the Demon King of time Oma Zi-O

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"According to this book, the ordinary high schooler (Y/N) (L/N) is fated to become the Demon King of time Oma Zi-O. However, every time this fate comes to pass, his friends from the future: Myokoin Geiz and Tsukuyomi, who came back to attempt to stop this worst, most horrible, future from passing....would perish and, as such, he would use his power as Oma Zi-O to reset the timeline.

My demon king has done this.....well so many times that even I have lost count, I doubt even the Timejackers, those who wish to create their own king to replace Oma Zi-O, know at this point, but I am getting off track.

My demon king has reset the timeline so many different times, trying so many different solutions to save his friends and failed in so many different ways....that he has given up on this timeline. And instead will give them the best possible future, the future of Geiz Revive...."

The screen cuts from the Woz we were talking to a completely white area where different numbers flow in every way, here too is another Woz, but wearing pure white and holding a more hi-tech book, the Future Note. This was White Woz, a Woz from another future.

 This was White Woz, a Woz from another future

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"....which is the future where my Saviour, Myokoin Geiz, transforms into Kamen Rider Geiz Revive and defeats the Demon King, as such saving the world."

The screen then cuts to a side by side of both Black Woz and White Woz

"However......My Demon King/The Demon King has another plan in-mind."

We fade to black and when we resume, we see Kamen Rider Zi-O II

We fade to black and when we resume, we see Kamen Rider Zi-O II

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Clashing with Kamen Rider Geiz Revive, in his Brawn form.

Geiz and Zi-O II traded multiple attacks with their respective weapon before Geiz finally yelled "WHY (Y/N)?! WHY TAKE THIS PATH?!"

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Geiz and Zi-O II traded multiple attacks with their respective weapon before Geiz finally yelled "WHY (Y/N)?! WHY TAKE THIS PATH?!"

Zi-O scoffed a bit as he slashed at Geiz with the Ride Heiseiber, forcing Geiz to block. "Because I'm sick of the constant resets.....Geiz."

Geiz pushed the Ride Heiseber off as he drilled Zi-O's chest forcing him back "THEN WHY DO YOU KEEP RESETTING?!"

Zi-O brandished the Ride Heiseiber "BECAUSE YOU TWO KEEP DYING!

If you two had never came back in time.....I would HAVE NEVER HAD TO GO THROUGH THIS PAIN!" And then tossed it to the side, activating his finisher


"Tch....fine then, (Y/N), I'll end this once and FOR ALL!" Geiz responded as he activated his own finisher.


Both then proceeded to jump into the air and rider kick towards each other

(The left is Zi-O and the right is Geiz)

Their kicks clashed, resulting in a large explosion that led to both (Y/N) and Geiz dehenshining with significant injuries as Geiz turned and started to walk towards (Y/N)


(A/N: Tell me if the above image loaded, if it didn't then I'll update the chapter and fix it)

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(A/N: Tell me if the above image loaded, if it didn't then I'll update the chapter and fix it)

(Y/N) only chuckled at this as a portal surrounded by golden clock gears appeared "It was never about you was about it looking like you did." And before Geiz could respond, (Y/N) had jumped through the portal and we cut back to Black Woz

"And so, just like that, my demon king sacrificed his future destiny as King so that his friends would be able to live in a world of prosperity.

However, my demon king was not to leave to some desolate world. No, he instead let a completely new timeline, free from all Kamen Riders, propagate itself as normal, with him within it as a child.

Well, I use normal in a loose way, as this world is plauged by something different.

In this world, subspace ruptures known as Spacequakes occur naturally, after a  huge one known as the 'South Kanto Sky Disaster'. However, in the crater caused by this quake, a city to withstand spacequakes was created. Tengu City.

This is where my demon king now resides, however something is amiss. His ridewatches, which had become inactive after he left his time, were regaining their powers. And sightings of monsters that looked like people in armour have been reported.

It appears that even in this world.....the Timejackers are moving against my Demon King. I may need to take.....drastic measures."

The screen fades to black as the Date a Live title card appears with an X Kamen Rider Zi-O below it.

A/N: Yes I know this is short, but the purpose of this chapter was to give background into the goings on of the timeline.

My plan is for every spirit to have at least 1 Another Rider occur during its course, however significant events will have differences.

Geiz and Tsukuyomi, along with White Woz, may turn up again. But Black Woz will 1000% show up every time Zi-O transforms into a new form in this world, simply due to the fact that where Zi-O goes, he must proclaim......


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