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Summary: Y/N's little cousin makes them and Anne meet up after countless times of seeing each other but not saying a word. Afterwords they start to like each other and hang out after work. This is 10 years after Amphibia.

 This is 10 years after Amphibia

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Y/N went towards their little cousins room, peaking through the door to see them doodling on a piece of paper.

They gently smiled. "Hey, Willow?"

Their voice immediately caught her attention, snapping their head around to see her older cousin standing at the doorway.

"Yeah?" She replied, tilting her head slightly.

"Since I have a free day today I was wondering if you wanted to go to the Aquarium. I know how much you love it there." Y/N says, making her eyes immediately light up with joy.

"Really? You'll take me there today?" She beamed while standing up from her desk.

They nodded. "Yep, my treat!"

Willow rushed towards Y/N, engulfing them into a tight hug.

Y/N couldn't help but to hug back as she pulled away.

"I'll be ready in a few minutes!" Willow ran towards her closet and nabbed her clothes quickly.

They chuckled, walking away from their room and instead making their way towards their own room.

Y/N was already ready, they had put on a comfortable fit they wanted to wear for the day.

After a few minutes of waiting, Willow came rushing through Y/N's door in an overall dress and some sneakers.

"I'm ready to go, Y/N!" She smiled.

Y/N nodded, going towards the door as Willow followed them closely.

"Bye, mom! I'm taking Willow out for the Aquarium!" Y/N calls out.

"I can drive you two if you want." Their mother says, coming up to Y/N.

"Sure." Y/N replied.

Willow dashed to the car, pulling the handle rapidly.

"Wow, you're really excited for the Aquarium." They commented while their mom unlocked the door giving Willow complete access to hop in.

Y/N opened the door to the passengers seat as Willow took the back seat.

The two put both their seatbelts on and soon their mother had joined them before headed towards the Aquarium.

The ride wasn't that long, it took about 30 minutes until their mother pulled up into the Aquarium.

"We're here you two." Their mother said. "Keep Willow safe, alright?"

Willow was bouncing up and down in her seat, eagerly taking off her seatbelt and opening the door.

They nodded, getting out of the car, holding Willows hand protectively as they walked towards the building.

"FROGS!!!" Willow shouted as soon as the two got inside.

She darted off into the distance, Y/N chasing after her quickly as she ran in the isle of 'Get Lost in Amphibia'.

Willow's speed caught up to her as she knocked into one of the workers.

Y/N quickly ran up to them. "I'm so sorry, my little cousin really loves this place a lot. She didn't mean to knock into you."

The worker laughed. "No, no, it's totally fine. You're cool."

They grabbed Willows wrist before focusing their attention to the worker.

They immediately froze once they saw who it was.

It was the very girl who'd they've been admiring from afar, they always wanted to talk to her but chickened out too much.

A small blush crept onto their face as they looked away.

The girl also realized who she was talking to and blushed lightly, also looking away.

Willow looked at the two and smirked smugly, silently planning something in her head.

She immediately dragged Y/N who was still connected to her and quickly pulled them to the side.

"Aren't you gonna do anything?" Willow says, looking up at Y/N.


"Every single time we go here, you seem to go all lovey-dovey mode on that worker girl!" She replied before smirking. "You like her, don't you?"

Y/N froze once more. "What! No! I mean- yes- but I'm not ready to talk to her yet!"

"Come on, Y/N! At least strike up a conversation and see if she's available so you two can hang out."


"If you don't say anything, I will."

Y/N sighed. "Fine, I'll go talk to her."

Their response quickly made Willow smile brightly. "Good! I'll be looking at the fishies."

"But don't I need to keep an eye out for you?" They questioned.

Willow shook her head. "Relax, I'll be fine! Mom's not here, she won't know! I'll be nearby, okay?"


She then pushed Y/N back towards the worker. "Now talk!"

And with that, she ran off towards the fishes leaving them and the worker alone.

Y/N rubbed their shoulder awkwardly as silence took over.

It wasn't until a few more minutes they had the courage to speak.

"Hey, I'm Y/N." They started. "I've seen you around a lot but never caught your name."

The worker looked up at them and smiled. "Oh, I'm Anne. Anne Boonchuy. Nice to finally meet you."

Y/N smiled back at Anne. "You look really pretty by the way-" They then paused. "I mean-! uh- sorry, that was awkward to randomly say."

Anne laughed. "You're cool, dude! You look pretty nice yourself."

A light blush spread onto their face. "Thanks."

Anne and Y/N spent the last 30 minutes getting to know each other, they seemed to both have a bit in common and got along pretty well with each other.

Y/N went for the bold move of asking Anne to exchange numbers which she happily agreed towards.

"Sooo, you'll be off on Saturday, correct?" Y/N asked.

Anne nodded. "Mhm! We can hang around at the park if you'd like."

"Sounds good to me!" Y/N grabbed Willows hand. "Come on, let's go home. Mom should be at the front."

Anne and Y/N both waves goodbye as they went towards the doors.

But before they exited, Willow smirked mischievously whispering; "Lesbianne."

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