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Liz didn't understand why Reddington was avoiding her again, she thought that they finally got closer and that she could trust him a bit more. But it's been weeks since she's heard from him. Even Dembe won't answer her calls. They haven't fought or anything, actually the opposite they were getting along very well. Then from one day to another he just disappeared and ghosted her. Until one day Dembe finally picked up.

„Hello, Elizabeth."

„Dembe finally! Are you alright? Did something happen?"

„There is a car waiting outside for you, get in. It will bring you here."

Then he hung up before Liz could ask anymore questions. Now she was even more worried than before. She quickly took a look outside from her window and there it was, a signature black Mercedes waiting for her.

Liz put on her jacket while going outside and got into the car. The driver took her to an older-looking apartment complex. Dembe was waiting outside by the entrance. As the car came to a halt he oped the door for Lizzie.

„Hello, Dembe. Since you wouldn't tell me on the phone tell me now, is everything alright? Why did you ignore my phone calls."

„Everything is alright. Raymond is upstairs maybe he'll tell you everything. I really hope he will. I'm going to give you some privacy. Just go up. But just so you know he doesn't know that you were coming."


So Liz got into the building and went up the stairs. At the top, there were a few rooms but all the doors were shut. Just one was open it had two massive dark wooden doors. With every step, she got angrier at Reddington. That everything was alright, he just simply choose to ignore her.

Liz stomped into the room, which apparently was a big beautiful library. Raymond was sitting in a chair in the far corner of the room, reading a book. Dressed in one of his suits as always.

„Why have you been avoiding me Red? Tell me why you've been avoiding me! Tell me, Reddington!" She demanded in a strong voice while marching in his direction, not taking her eyes off of him. He looked up in surprise. So he really didn't know she was coming.

She stopped a few steps in front of him.

„Elizabeth hold on." He disgarded the book and stood up.

„No, I want an answer now! I won't let you avoid a direct question... to try and confuse me or leave me in the dark."

„Well, now I'm confused." He was biting the inside of his cheeks.

That was the final straw for Lizzie. So she grabs him by the collar of his suit and shoves him against one of the massive bookshelves.

„Answer me! Give me a direct answer to my simple question.", she shouts at him pinning him against the bookshelf.

First, he just stares at her flabbergast at her reaction and at what she did. His mind briefly jumps back to the one time she stabbed him in a hotel with a pen. He couldn't tell why but it was very erotic.

He was surprised at what she did but didn't show it instead looked at her with his signature stoic look.

He made sure to keep his hands spread out to his sides, gripping the bookshelf, trying his best not to touch her.

„Tell me!" This time she didn't shout but still eyed him angrily. He stared back at her.

He could just easily push her away but he didn't really want to.

They just stared into each other's eyes.

You could see how furious Liz was through her eyes. Red seemed calm on the outside but was a raging storm on the inside.

Liz takes a quick glance at his lips, it was just a few seconds and she hoped that he didn't see it.

But he saw it at glanced down at hers for a second.

A few minutes pass as they just stare at each other until Red decides it's finally enough because he can't take it any longer. Her being this close to him for this long, was too much for him.

He takes Liz's hands, which are still gripping his jacket, and gently tries to shove her back.

But Liz isn't finished with him yet and makes a quick decision because she saw how he looked at her lips and pushes him back again.

"Lizzie..." he growled warningly but he didn't get to finish his sentence because Lizzie's lips were suddenly on his.

He freezes for a second, completely surprised at her actions.

hen grabs Liz by her shoulders and pushes her back gently but firmly.

(brief flicker of hurt on her face – but he catches it anyway)

„Lizzie... are you sure you want this?", his finger going back and forth between the two of them. „That you want me...  that you want us? Because if yes, there's no going back from this. I'm not going to let you go!Never!"

„ I don't want you to let me go. So now that we made it clear that I want you, shut the hell up and kiss me, Raymond!"

Red was a bit flabbergasted at first, but quickly recovered and turned them around, so no Lizzie was trapped against a bookshelf. He grabbed her neck firmly yet gently with one hand and pulled her face closer to his.

She let out a surprised gasp leaving her mouth open, Red took the opportunity to crash his lips down on hers. They both moaned into each other's mouths at the pleasure.

Lizzie tried to get the upper hand again but he kept her pinned against the bookshelf. So she grabbed Red at the back of his neck and pulled him in closer into the kiss while she started to grind herself against him. He moaned into her mouth as he felt himself getting harder and harder for her.

Liz felt it too and continued her grinding.

Red's grip loosened and he slowly let his hand slide down over her breast, then he grabbed her hips with both of his hands and pulled her even closer.

Lizzie then saw her chance and pushed him so that he fell back into his chair. He just stared at her surprised, with his lust-filled eyes. She just smirked at him and slowly approached him settling on his lap. Feeling the growing bulge, even more, she pushed herself more down on it and let out a deep moan while doing so.

Red just watched her in awe as she threw her head back slightly. He grabbed her hips again and pulled her down, even more, making them both moan. Liz grabbed his face again, kissing him deeply.

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