Chapter 1

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"Gee, I sure am bored!" said Spike, it was getting pretty late at ADHOC Labs. But the boss said Twilight and her friends were to work the night shift.

"You always overeact to EVERYTHING, Spike!" said Twilight, suddenly, Rainbow Dash came into the room holding a box.

"We just got a box delievered full of tapes!" she said, holding up a tape. It had the words "Happy Appy Ep. 1" written on it.

"Let's watch them then!" said Fandroid exictedly, Rainbow Dash put the tape into the VHS player below the CRT TV on the desk. The tape began to play.

It was the intro for some kind of kids show, with a group of children singing

Happy Appy Appy App!Happy App! Happy App!Happy Appy Appy App!He helps kids all day!

The kids were singing the song to the tune of "Mary Had a Little Lamb", then the first episode began...

The first episode was called "Happy's Vacation", it was about Happy Appy, an apple with a face and a single popsicle stick for a leg. He went on vacation and helped injured kids at the beach, it seemed that the series was to teach little kids about first-aid.

There was one part that seemed kind of strange in the episode, when Happy was driving his van, some frames were skipped. They ignored it, thinking that it could be a scratched VHS. But when Rainbow Dash checked it, it wasn't scratched.

As for Happy Appy himself, he was a red apple with blue eyes, a realistic green mouth, stubby green arms, and a single popsicle stick for a leg. He also had a leaf on top of the stem on his head. His voice sounded like a mix between Spongebob and the Annoying Orange.

When the episode ended, Rainbow Dash put in the second tape. The episode was called "Hurt Happy", Happy got hurt, and the kids helped him, by giving him bandaids and fruit (Which was weird, because they gave him a apple in one part).

There was some out of place stuff in the episode,  in Happy's Van, there was what looked like the border of the HOPE poster. Also, the radio played a country music-esque version of "Hot and Cold", which was made in 2008 and very out-of-place for a kid's show. But Twilight and her friends thought those were just coincidence.

Episode 3 and 4 was where things started to get a tad bit creepy, in Episode 4. Happy aids a child that had a bruise on his knee. He looked to the camera, death stare on face, and said "What does Nate need for this booboo?".

For 30 seconds, he stared at the camera, motionless. His dark blue soulless eyes locking on with anyone watching. Finally, he spoke; "That's right! A bandaid!" Why did he need that long to speak? Twilight wondered. The intros were cut out, and the main episodes were missing a few scenes. On Episode 3, 05:12 is when he did his first death stare/evil smile. For 30 seconds. It was somewhat eerie. Also, the out-of-place objects were getting more noticeable. There was a news broadcast about a tsunami that recently struck Japan. Happy said "Oh no! If you want to help the Japanese, call this number!" and a 1-800 number was listed.

Everyone was starting to suspect something was very, very wrong. But they were still intrested to see what would happen. So Rainbow Dash put in the next VHS tape.

Episode 5 was VERY disturbing, to start off, Happy had a new stick, not as rusty as the first one. Anyways, In the episode, Appy was doing his trademark death stare and smile for half the show. Afterwards, he helped 2 children, the first one he took out of sight behind a bush. A red liquid was seeping from the bush and screams were heard. The other kid waited for Appy, then he was seen emerging from the back of her, then it skipped a few frames, the next thing Twilight and her friends saw was a red, liquidy trail leading to another bush and Happy doing that CREEPY smile!

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