beta/omega louis alpha harry

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"Nonononono!" Louis whispered.
"I'm a Beta. A fucking Beta!"

But, as far as Louis knew, Betas did not produce slick that leaked out of their arsehole.

Louis was seventeen. When he didn't present as an Omega or Alpha between the ages of thirteen to sixteen, his family and he were sure that he was a Beta. It only made sense, almost everyone in his family was a Beta. But here he was now, hiding in a stall in the boy's bathroom with his slick dripping down his thighs and into his boxers, skin too hot and his body longing for something to fill him up.Something that wasn't helping him either was that all out of a sudden, he was able to smell the rough, delicious scents of those in the school that were Alphas. One smell though stuck out more than the others and Louis knew exactly who the owner had to be: Mr. Styles. Mr. Styles was a twenty-seven year old Geography teacher. He was the only teacher who was an Alpha, so several of the Omega teachers and even Beta teachers - even some of the students - had tried flirting with him. And either Mr. Styles was very oblivious or just polite since he never replied to any of the suggestive things he was told. The Alpha smelled good in Louis' opinion. His scent was rougher and muskier than those of the Alpha students and overpowered them since it belonged to a full grown Alpha.
Louis had always liked Mr. Styles, ever since the man had tutored him in French. Louis had just stared at how the older man's plump lips formed around the words. But yeah, Louis liked him. Like, like-like. Dating-like. He never thought that he'd stand a chance, not just because he was shy. In his world, age-difference wasn't so bad, but Louis was underaged while Mr. Styles was almost thirty. Also, Louis had been convinced that he was a Beta and to Alphas, Betas might be good for random fucks, but it was known in school that the Alpha teacher was looking for something steady, and that was only possible with an Omega. Now, there was only one problem left and that was the fact that Louis was underaged. After break, he'd have Geography with Mr. Styles and he had no idea how he was supposed to get through it without dropping to his knees in front of the man. Then he thought of a way to get to the classroom without any of the hormonal Alpha students fucking him. Just when he was about to pull his pants up and leave the stall, the door opened. A few seconds later, a plastic bag was thrown over the door and a male voice said,
"The school is prepared for Omegas or Alphas presenting. This is the Omega emergency bag. It contains a packet of birth control pills, a few pads, towels, scent neutralizer and a butt plug."

Louis listened how the door to the bathroom shut again. He felt his skin getting hotter and quickly grabbed the bag and got the wrapper out that contained a thick pad. He got it out and placed it in his boxers, sighing in relief that he didn't ruin his school trousers. Afterwards he sprayed the neutralizer on and sighed in relief. He made himself look less fucked and flushed and fixed his fringe before he left the stall with his bag over his shoulder. He had wanted to call his mum, but his phone was dead and he knew that the secretary who was present today didn't believe in male Omegas. Really. A guy once went into heat and wanted to call his parents but the secretary didn't believe him. He was fucked and mated by the football captain. Louis didn't want that, thank you very much. So he didn't have another choice than walk to his classroom and try not to jump Mr. Styles' bones. He reached the room just when the bell rang. Mr. Styles stood in front of his desk, waiting for the last students to come in. Louis' table was in the very back of the room and when he walked past the teacher's desk, he saw how the older man closed his eyes and his nostrils flared. He knew full grown Alphas were able to smell an Omega's heat even with the neutralizer since their sense of smell was more experienced. Louis quickly made his way into the back row and sat down, trying not to hump the chair. He looked at the teacher's desk where Mr. Styles was staring at him. Damn, he looked so good. The man was wearing tight, black jeans, dark brown boots and a white button up with the three upper buttons undone. Around his neck a dangling silver necklace down on his chest and his tattoos were shown off perfectly. Louis loved his long, curly, dark brown hair and his bright green eyes that now seemed darker. Fuck. Louis leaned his head on his table as another wave of slick ran out of his arsehole. He didn't notice when Mr. Styles started walking around the classroom and checked the other students homework until he was a few tables away. He quickly got his books out and waited for the green eyed man to check on him.

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