inexperienced lou/harry

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"Yeah and then she totally gave him a blowjob!" Harry's ears perked up as Niall whispered this sentence. It seemed very private, although Harry wasn't sure why. Zayn opened his mouth and gasped loudly, looking like he was trying hard not to giggle.

"No way! Lucky bastard!" Zayn laughed quietly. Harry smiled as if he knew what they were talking about, but he didn't dare ask. He wouldn't want to look stupid in front of his friends.

"I know, right?" Niall smirked, leaning in closer. "He said she even rimmed him. God if I could be anyone for a night, it would be Liam. Lexie is so hot!" Zayn's eyes were practically bulging out of his head by now.

"No way, she did not! Oh man that must've been so good!" Zayn responded, jealousy licking at his tone of voice. Harry definitely wouldn't be asking what these words meant. He would ask Louis tonight, he decided. Louis would be coming over for their traditional Friday night sleepover as always. Harry was thankful that his best friend hadn't moved on and found a more mature, older best friend who knew what grown up words meant, because Louis was his absolute favourite person in the world. Louis treated Harry like gold, and even though there was a year age difference between the two, neither seemed to notice. They were totally and completely comfortable around each other, and you never give up on any type of relationship with a person who you can be so personal with.

The school day finally ended and Harry headed home, walking down the street to his house. Louis' school got out a bit earlier, and Harry couldn't wait because he knew Louis would be already waiting for him with treats when he got home. Louis always spent his pocket money on chocolate bars to share and a pop for each of them on Friday, and Harry was super thankful for that because his mom never kept junk food in the house. Harry always saved his money to buy him and Louis shared copies of the newest video games, so either way, their money was spread out evenly. He opened the front door to his house and was met with an armful of jumping excited boy.

"Harreh!" Louis yelled dramatically, and Harry held Louis up, welcoming the playful kisses all over his face. He'd always wanted a dog, but having Louis was too close to the real thing to be complaining.

"Louehhhhh!" Harry chuckled, setting the boy down finally. Louis was smaller than he should be at his age, but neither him or Harry ever really noticed. Harry's mom came down the stairs and shook her head t the two, smiling largely. It was adorable, really how close the two were, and walking into a room and seeing the two in each others personal bubbles wasn't unexpected. Harry's mom was all done up in a nice dress with pretty makeup, and Louis, being the little charmer he was, was the first to speak up. Still lightly gripping Harry, he flattered,

"Wow! What an honour it is for you to grace us with your beautiful presence! Whats the occasion, my lady?" Louis laughed, and Harry's mom grinned ear to ear. Louis would surely make someone very happy one day, she thought to herself, rearranging the front of her dress.

"Well actually, I'm going on a date tonight! I hope you boys don't mind some alone time. I've already ordered pizzas, and I'll leave the money on the counter." Both boy's faces lit up at the mention of pizza.

"Thanks mom! You're the best! Knock him dead!" Harry called, pointing gun finger across the room at her as she slid into her heels. He tossed her a wink as she opened the front door, and she laughed, leaving the two alone.

Pizza arrived, and the two ate until they were full and content. They as in the rec room of the basement watching movies and eating the snacks Louis had brought before harry remembered Niall and Zayn's strange conversation from earlier that day. Harry rolled over to Louis on the extremely large sofa that took up almost half of the large room ( it was practically a king sized bed), and looked up at him with eyes that could put Disney princesses to shame.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2016 ⏰

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