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NARRATOR (ALFREDA)3 years later....

ralph, Ashley, chanice and the twins prepare for their convocation..

They couldn't get over the fact that alfy was dead, Ashley marriage comes up immediately after their convocation, she found love and trys move on after the death of her best friend, before that, she went into deep depression and lost her magic for over 5 months before she met a guy "kelvin" who makes her feel loved again, for about 3 years, kelvin and Ashley dated with their ups and down but they pulled through.

Chanice became a ripper, a vampire who is lustful for blood and goes on a rampage killing, this happened for about a year before she got her humanity back and she wallows in pain for about a month and continues school and try meet up to her Gp, she dated lots of guys during a year and non lasted due to the fact she wants to kill them in their sleep.

Mikel and mikela, they were brought into this mess, news went round about a twin alpha and they were forced to take up their post as alpha, they attended school and face responsibilities and also trained on fighting techniques, mikela dates a girl currently " phoebe", while mikel has been a playboy, he has been with many guys and girls during the years

Ralph, the strongest of them all, he attended class all day and never missed a day, he did that to keep his mind away from the death of his twin, and ralph tries to keep the squad in order, he compells chanice to turn on her humanity, he made Ashley believe she still has her magic and brought kelvin into her life, he made the story of the twins go viral, he tries gives everyone a sense of live to live on


Ralph does a group video call  with the squad

Ralph: hey you all?
Everyone: hiii
Ashley: hope you all are coming for my wedding
Chanice: definitely girl, I'll be there
Everyone: sure
Ralph: our convocation is tomorrow guys
Ashley: yes my gown is ready
Mikela: I'm dressing on suit
Mikel: well we are wearing matching suits
Chanice: I think I'd were a suit too
Ralph: let's a wear suit then
Ashley: OK let's wear a suit, black and peach ??
Everyone: exactly
Ralph: let's go for shopping now, bills on me
Chanice: I'm already at your door
Ashley: on my way!! Bye
Mikel and mikela: see you in 30 mins bye

Ralph ends the call and opens the door for chanice

Chanice: I don't miss free stuffs
Ralph: I know you don't

In the next hour they all arrived and head straight to a boutique in town.

They all enters into the boutique and placed an order for black and peach suit, they took their measurements for mending of the suit, they did lots of shopping and had a bill of $400,000... Ralph pays the bill and they all head straight to ralph house to spend the night so they could all prepare together, Ashley calls kelvin and tells him she's sleeping over and he agrees..

The following morning, the suits arrived and chanice brought it in and they all did a tiktok transition, they all looked gorgeous in a suit, they all took several pictures and none of them wanted to talk about the fact alfy was dead, they missed her but didn't want to spoil the mood..

They all head out for the programme and they all received their certificate.. during the picture time at the programme, morgause walked into hall and shouted " leave here this moment if you want to stay alive" morgause sister Morgana accompanied her, morgana was summoned back into the world 2 years ago after morgause regained her full strength.

Morgana sets the hall ablaze and people fanned out....

Chanice: thank God we wore a suit, cause I've been dying to fight
Morgana: well you will get a good fight for sure
Ashley: I need this right now
Kelvin: baby! What's going on here? Why are the women after you, how did she set here ablaze with her eyes, let's run guys
Morgause: you must be the groom, well time to dye
Ashley: his not dying today

Ashley pushes her hand towards morgause and she flies and hit her head on the wall and fell unconscious

Kelvin: what the hell is going on!!

Morgana raises Ashley up with magic

Ralph: no one dies today

Ralph vamps speed and punches morgana an he touched her head and siphons all her power, morgana tries cast a spell and it didn't work.

Chanice: well my turn

Chanice vamps and snaps morgana neck with her hand and morgana falls dead.

They head home and ralph brought out a hand cuff forged by the priestess of the old religion and binds morgause, the chain limits the accessing of magic by a witch, ralph questions morgause while she woke

Morgause: where's my sister
Chanice: uhm I killed her cause I cared less
Morgause: you will die a glorifying death
Ralph: the chains binds your magic, now tell me who are you
Morgause: I'm your ancestor
Ralph: haven't you all had enough, why keep coming back to harm us
Morgause: cause you all are a mistake of my bloodline, you all killed my daughter, my fellow witches banished me into the land of no return for over 4000 years, right now I will kill every single one of you, like I did your parents and parents parents
Mikela: not if I killed you first
Morgause: you lesbian, watch your mouth, alpha my foot, your just another mistake in this lands, and I will rewrite all the wrongs

Mikel slaps morgause and blood gushed out of her mouth while morgause laughed

Mikel: you are a sad loner

Morgause stands
Morgause: do you know what it means to be in torture for years?, do you know what it mean to feel the only connection you have to real world die, I've lost everything and I will share my feelings ten folds to you all
Ralph: you need not to be bitter
Morgause: I've stayed here too long

Morgause raises both her hands and shouts a spell "ignatum fez ma cos trium Vegas" the chain cut of and fell and burnt into ashes immediately

Ralph: that's not possible
Morgause: I'm am not a mere witch, I am a high priestess of the old religion, the strongest ever lived and I will

Before she could finish her statements chanice vamps speed and snaps her neck, immediately chanice neck snapped along and she fell unconscious, morgause laughs and says " I'll be back " let this serve as warning

A gushing wind like a tornado teleports her away...
Kelvin over hears everything they said and ralph vamps speed to him and compells him to forget everything he heard and seen..

NARRATOR (ALFREDA): it has just begun...

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