Trying to figure out

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Kendall Pov
I feel like i been down in this basement for years , I barely eat and bath . My hair is matted down , breath bout stanky as hell .
The only thing that brings me comfort is the little cricket that jumps around time from time in the corner of the room . That I can only see when the sunlight is shining through the very small creak in the wall . Also I was chained up which was uncomfortable and unnecessary . I knew when these chains and cuffs come out I will be expecting to see huge marks on my body . The floor be so cold and hard at night . So I ball up in a ball position and rocked myself side to side humming a lullaby.

I didn't know that the tall man was standing in the dark corner watching me the whole time . He started humming tapping his foot on the go ground .
I looked up puzzled and confused ? Did I do something . After he appeared and click the little light bulb and the whole room lit up . I closed my eyes because they hurting due from the bright light . After awhile I opened them up and squinted my eyes trying to better see the tall man . He was looking looking so demonic and scary .

He just looked down at me and stared like he was looking for something . I didn't know how to react and felt weird so I looked down . He soon bent down to my level and grabbed my chin .
"When I'm looking at you DONT look down if I don't tell you to " he said in a soft voice 
Hearing his voice like this made my face expression soften .

He just was moving his finger over my chin I slowly took in his features .
His brown eyes . His caramel skin as I was studying his face I didn't see when he unlock my shackles . I soon got up and was about to fall until he caught me .
"I got you shawty " he wrapping his arms around my waist and walking behind me to support me . My legs was so numb . I felt so weak and defenseless .

Soon we came up to a set of stairs and he picked me up bridal style and went down the stairs and he put a code in and the door opened up . We went down a long hallway and until we came to room and he opened the door and let us in . I was gripping his neck so hard I was so scared . He soon put me on the bed and pulled out some clothes and some male boxers and a sport bra . He went into the restroom and got out towels and soap . He moved from the restroom door and I quickly pick the items up and went and got into the shower .

I was scrubbing my skin like i was trying to get my skin off my body . It felt so wonderful and lovely then I began to think and burst out into tears and got on the floor of the shower and curled up in my ball . I was crying real hard .
"Why me god " I said rubbing my face
"I will never did anything I promise I always had my faith and praise you " I said snot coming out now

"I'm just keep praying to you and hope it gets better " I said pulling at my hair .
After about 15 more minutes I got out and seen I had body care items . ( body lotion , oil ,deodorant , perfume , and others ). I started brushing my teeth and as I was done I started applying my personal care things .

I got dressed in the clothes that was provided and looked into my mirror and examined my body looking at my bruised wrists and ankles .  I just looked and started not recognizing myself I looked horrible . Deep into my thoughts I heard the doorknob start getting twisted repeatedly I got scared and step back looking around for a window not seeing one I just stared at it .
"Say slime let me in here I got to piss " I heard the tall man yelled banging on the door . So I quickly opened the door and yanked up my dirty clothes and things up and left he pushed me to the side and quickly pulled his pants down and peed and didn't closed the door like I wasn't right there in the room .

He seem not to care after he got finished he cleaned himself and washed his hands . I was just standing up with my dirty items in my hand looking lost . He soon came out the bathroom and told me where to put my things and I did . After awhile we ain't talk  he allowed me to sit on the bed while our backs where turned away from each other . We never spoke to each other . So I wanted to ask questions on why he kidnapped me
When I was started to opened my mouth to talk
"Not right now I want silence " he said
So I closed my mouth quick

How is the story going so far ?
Kentrell ? Why is her real name Holly in the system ? What's really going on ?

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