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as i shower, i think about matt.

i haven't gave our relationship much thought lately.

like, it's definitely not normal for just friends to make out. unless they are friends with benefits.
oh no! are we friends with benefits?!

no. we can't be. that's more of sexual favors, to help each other out i guess. like, "hey man, i'm really sexually frustrated right now. wanna fuck?"

what me and matt have isn't like that. we..... or at least i, do what we do because i feel for him on such a different level. not because i need a sexual favor, or because i just feel like making out with someone, but because i love him. SHIT! NO! i don't love love him. we are best friends. he's one of the triplets. my best friends.

we're not like jack and rose or peter parker and mj. love is when you see a stranger one day and automatically fall head over heels and you always look your best when you're together and you go on fancy dinner dates.
me and matt are practically siblings.

who knows what we are then.
we're just y/n and matt i guess.

well, that really helped my dilemma.

i sigh and shut the water off.

when i get out of the shower, everyone is lounging in the living room.

"well, there she is." josh muses at me.

"what took you so long?" chris laughs, making room for me on the couch.

"i have to wash and exfoliate and shave and moisturize." i explain sitting between him and matt.

"that's why you always smell so good." matt comments, nuzzling his nose in my hair.
wow. he's usually not like this in front of people. he barely is without people watching.

i blush and look up to see josh starring at us across the room. seriously, what is his deal?

matt looks at him too and they stair still each other.

thank god for everyone else in the room talking to disguise the tension between them.
is josh jealous of matt? seems like it. wow, i'm kind of flattered. i've never been fought over before.

we started watching a movie and nick fixed three big bowls of pop corn for everyone.

we had blankets and pillows and made the room super comfy. i even pulled out my fold out bed.

we are watching spider man (with tom holland of course).

nick steals chris's spot on my pull out bed when he leaves to get a drink from the kitchen. when he comes back he wrestles nick until he gives up and sits on an other couch with elmer and josh.

i put my hand in the pop corn bowl and my fingers collide with someone else's. i look away from the tv to see it was matt's.

i blush a little and when i pull my hand away he grabs it back and starts to play with my fingers. nick abruptly snatches the pop corn away from us and i giggle.

it gets to the scene where mj and spider man have their iconic upside down kiss and i don't know why i look over at matt. he takes a sip of his root beer and watches the scene. why can't i just mind my business and leave him alone? i am leaving him alone. i am not going to kiss him right now.

then, suddenly his head turns and he is looking at me back. i look away quickly and i can feel my cheeks burn red.

he smiles warmly and looks away.

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