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        "Ellio cops are chasing us" I hear over the bluetooth we have set up between our group. "Alright ladies you heard the man, plates up lets go!" I yell over the mic, everyone reaching back and lifting our plates out of view. Hearing the sirens kick up I nod to my best friend and partner in crime, Ace, we nod to each other and dip two different ways splitting the group in two.

          I lead my two left towards a neighborhood thats we hide in all the time but the cop keeps going straight with Ace. "Ace he's on you" I say "I know I see him, Milo, Dez split at the next intersection I'm taking the cop" the both hum a yes in response. I'm still leading Zion and Maeve through the neighborhood.

           "Ellio where are we going?" I hear Zion ask, "empty lot me and Ace hide in all the time. Now keep the channel silent unless it's important so I can hear Ace." I say I hear hums of agreement not just from Zion but everyone on the channel, "Ace you good?" I question, as he's been silent for the past few minutes, "yeah yeah, he's still chasing me though and he's getting closer." Ace answers clear distress in his voice, "Hey man c'mon this isn't the first time we've done this, you can't give up hope now." I state, finally reaching the parking lot and immediately turning around and heading back towards the road, "Ellio where are you going?"

             I hear Maeve ask "To help Ace, stay here and stay off the channel, in 5 minutes if I'm not back, go home." I say starting to ride away, "but-" "no buts Maeve, Go. Home." I state, hearing two beeps signaling they both disconnected, "Ace can you hear me?" I ask, fear rising as I don't gain a response right away, "Ace, answer me damnit!" I yell, true worry lacing itself in my voice as I make it back to the free way.

        "I'm here, I'm here." He says the fear a lot more evident in his voice now, "Ellio it's starting to rain..." I hear Ace say. Shit Shit Shit, rain is a riders worst enemy, especially when you're running from the cops. Not only does it hurt but it's hard to fix hydroplaning on a bike at such high speeds and slowing down would mean getting caught, and no one wants that.

     "Can you get off anywhere?" I ask starting to see the clouds ahead. "No I can't, I can't see anything" I hear him say, "Ace hold on please!" I yell over the mic, my voice full of desperation and fear as I hear Ace starting to cut out. "Hey Ellio, tell everyone I love them okay? And I love you too, take care of Squid." He says before he completely cuts out.

     At this point I had caught up too the cop and seen something I thought I'd never see, I saw Ace's bike crashed into the concrete median in pieces and his body thrown on the other side of the median. I pulled my plate down and slowed down. Pulling over to the side where the Ace crashed, getting off my back I hop the median to the other side where Ace is laying, I take off my helmet and lean down, hearing no heart beat I start to panic, taking his helmet off I see a crack down the middle of his forehead where there was a piece of missing padding.

      Sitting there for a moment, I hear footsteps behind me, I feel a hand on my shoulder. "We're you riding with him?" I hear the officer ask, seeing no point in lying I nod my head at him, "I'll let you off this time, your friend put up a good run, I can tell you guys have done this before, and must I say you're technique definitely works." I can hear the sympathy in his voice as he walks back towards his car.

        I read down  and grab Ace's hand, pulling his glove off and taking his ring, the ring he was going to give to Dez, his girlfriend and our good riding buddy. I then stand up walking towards his bike and grab his bag, getting his key and phone out of it. Taking on last look at him I walk towards my bike and put his stuff in my bag. Walking back towards his body I see the cop coming towards him as well, "may I have your phone number so I know who to contact for his final wishes?" I nod giving the officer my number, walking over I crouch down and grab Aces helmet. "You should get going, I called this in it only a matter of time before other cops get here" he says, i nod not thinking anymore I walk over to my bike lift my plate and turn around speeding back towards my house.

         I connect back to the channel and say "you guys there?" I ask trying to not cry, hearing various yes's from the channel I start to tell them. "I hate to say it guys but, Ace is gone..." I say finally breaking into tears, "he crashed right after the channel cut from him, the cop let me off with a warning giving me an empty ticket, but he's gone" I say, logging of of the channel not wanting any questions. I can't believe I just lost him...what am I gonna do...?

Thank you for reading chapter on of Adrenalin Rush, sorry for the tragic beginning but it gets better I promise.
Words: 946

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2022 ⏰

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