Vampire's Heart

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Cat Noir felt his side face burned but his vampire powers are healing him. He can't fight that liar while there's a hole in the ceiling for sunlight to enter through.

"What's the matter? Can't stand the light?" Lila taunts him.

"I can't stand you!" Cat Noir roared.

"You can't even touch me in the light!" Lila smiled evilly.

"One thing is that God does not fear me," Cat Noir said.

"And yet the mirror hates your reflection" Lila making fun of him while staying in the sunlight.

"Enough of that! Even if you kill me you have to fight Ladybug next!" Cat Noir replied.

"Be careful what you wish for" Lila threw the stake to his heart but it ended up on his stomach.

"AAAAGH!!" Cat Noir grunts in pain and Lila came and punched him off the debris. He fell to the ground and pulls the stake out from his stomach.

"You're a terrible shooter, liar" Cat Noir hissed with his fangs open.

"If that's the case, come and get me!" Lila draws her gun out.


"Come on! Where is it?!" Ladybug frantically searched for the Vampire's Heart.

She stopped seeing some holes in the walls and takes a stone to throw at one of the platforms, triggering the trap into firing several arrows at each other until they stopped. Once it's over Ladybug saw the Vampire heart on the altar.

"Okay let's try this, Lucky charm!" She summoned a sandbag, "A sandbag? Classic" She swiftly replaced the gem with the bag. But suddenly the altar sank as the chamber rumbled, "Oh boy!" Ladybug gasps and runs as fast as she could.


Cat Noir was still trying to stay away from the sunlight while fighting Lila.

"Give it up, Adrien!" Lila shoots at him but misses.

"Keep shooting, Lila! I can't die like a human! I'm undead!" Cat Noir ran at super speed and pounced on her, "I should have done this long ago!" He bared his fangs.

"Get your paws off me!" Lila struggled.

"Never! You'll never have another chance!" Cat Noir instead lifts her up and throws her, "Now, I want you to take your men, leave and never return!" Cat Noir demanded.

"You don't scare me, Adrien!" Lila stands up.

"I have to admit, you may be a liar but you got some guts to face a vampire," Cat Noir said.

"I know you don't kill humans but you do kill your kind! I've seen you do it!" Lila glared.

"Those are different kinds of vampires! Venomous ones!" Cat Noir said, "Now, are you ready for more?!" He cracks his knuckles.

"Kitty!" Ladybug cried out as she ran from a large boulder coming after her.

"WHOA!!!!" Cat Noir saw and he quickly ran to the boulder and smashed it with one punch.

"Thanks, Kitty" Ladybug kissed his cheek.

"You're welcome" Cat Noir smiled.

"You survived, Ladybug" Lila saw her.

"Hello, Lila. I see you haven't changed at all" Ladybug glared.

"It's been too long, Ladybug. Now hand over the vampire's heart!" Lila demanded.

"It belongs to the prince of darkness, liar" Ladybug hands the artifact to Cat Noir.

It glowed that it found a vampire and it went through his chest like a ghost and he felt his pulse, his body temperature, and heartbeat. Ladybug and even Lila watched as the gem merged with him. He walked in the sunlight from the hole in the cave ceiling and he didn't get burned anymore.

"I've never felt so alive" He looks at his hands, then at them.

"No!" Lila fell to her knees.

"What's the matter, Lila? Afraid that this vampire cat can walk in daylight?" Cat Noir chuckled and walks up to her but her henchmen protected her, "Get out of my way!" He hissed.

"Not a chance Cat Noir," One thug said.

"You'll have to deal with me too" Ladybug steps beside Cat Noir.

"And I can bite very ugly" Cat Noir bared his fangs.

"Oh no," Ladybug said dramatically, "Look out! He'll bite all of you!"

The thugs run away with Lila as Cat Noir gave them a scary look, "This isn't over yet! I'll be back!" Lila proclaimed.

"We'll see, Liar" Cat Noir morphed into a bat and flew through the hole while Ladybug swings out of here.


Much later, they came back to the hotel to get some rest. The vampire morphed into a bat again due to how it finally feels to walk in daylight.

"After all these years you're finally out in the sun," Marinette said.

He morphed back to human, "Yes, the first vampire immune to the sun" Adrien held her hand.

"Do you think it will give other vampires immune to sunlight by biting?" Marinette asked.

"I suppose so, the gem merged into me," Adrien said.

Marinette placed her hand on his chest and felt a heartbeat, "I can feel it, your heart is beating" She said.

"Does that make me un-alive?" Adrien teased.

"Maybe it does, Kitty" Marinette rubs his chest.

Even without his costume, he purred loudly like a cute kitten, "Meow, I'm so happy I don't need to get burned" He said.

"Yeah, guess Lila won't be getting the gem now" Marinette laid on the bed, feeling exhausted.

"Yes but my life she can still get. She now not only wants to get turned but to kill me" Adrien said.

"She better not kill my kitty," Marinette said.

"She won't, Marinette" Adrien sat on the bed.

"Good. Still, it's good you're immune to sunlight" Marinette said.

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