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I think when it comes to gravity, contact magnifies it, it cooperates across space, and experiences resistance through space to the point of arcing cooperation or not... to the point where it arcs through the resistance of space and with  an arc that contacts that measures decides whether its strong enough to arc a bond or not.  I  think a halo of cooperation at a certain distance of space becomes an agreed upon seat of space for an object to cooperate with another object without coming any closer to it from attraction. But it still continues to constantly cooperate with it because gravity is a constant attracting, cooperative force. It only attracts strongly enough in the agreed upon seat of space to exert work but not arc enough work to form a bond of collision course. It's "aware" of the other ones presence in the form of a bond. But its a bond of cooperation not of collision.  And at this point, it favors a direction it likes. Then begins approaching the stable value of 1 that it shares with the other object in the form of an unbroken circle which is a representation for a power level of 1 that's constant when it comes to shapes of mass in spatial orientation. I think velocity only plays a rubber band effect on whether it's going to break or not based on what I've mentioned. I don't think the orbits of the planets around the sun like earth's for example are based on velocity in one direction countered by the attraction of gravity bending it's path around the sun instead of letting it escape. This can not be true because if velocity in a straight line going by the sun were bent around the sun and not let to pass by the force that bent the momentum would be so strong, it would turn earth in a tighter spiral every time until it impacted the sun. In a few rotations it would collide. We know that there have been at least 4-6 billion rotations around the sun. Therefore I think to complete the giants thumbnail theory, just like electrons are said to have energy levels around the nucleus of an atom... planets experience cooperation and resistance at the same time forming halo troughs for the tangible form of stuff to be seated in, "aware" and constantly energetically interacting with the other in the form of a power level which is a halo of 1 which represents its cooperated agreed upon no closer but no farther than distance to or from the object. Based on experienced cooperation enough to bond a seated trough in the shape of an unbroken hoop that represents the power level of one in spatial orientation when it comes to mass being present there, but not cooperation enough to spark an arc that would initiate bonding collision course. Performing the work acting energy must perform if it is such. In the form of a closed loop that in terms of a power factor represents a 1 constant value expressed. In the form of the orbit done as work. At a constant value of never increasing never decreasing value of 1. In other words it's "energy" charge. No different than the power levels of electrons at their distance, in their places are just other forms of the same unanimous tangible material everything in existence is some of. Electricity arcs. It's my theory gravity does too. Electricity and gravity whether you want to admit it or not are just cousin forms of the same one stuff everything in existence is when you get right down to it in at least one form of argument that's valid. Stuff is stuff same as other stuff is stuff. At the end of the day regardless the form it's all just stuff, it has in common. And all matter, mass, substance, or stuff at the end of the day can be reduced to the same mud, clay, dirt, or whatever form means there's one form of material every form of forms  are. Universal existing things are not so far removed from each other that there's even more than 1 variety of material everything's  made out of. There's not. Everything and anything and all of us are exactly the same thing. Made from the same stuff. Regardless of how many examples there are . In everything that is it's all still the same thing made from the same stuff.  Existence as one. Itself from itself as all it is... of there is something there. That by being "something" can be connected no matter what way you have to to any other thing. Just plain old stuff. Formed any form of form.  Arranged in what would be if everything I just described were true a prescribed order of unanimitously.

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