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Face claim: Emma stone (pictured above, I do not own said picture, all rights and reserves go to rightful owner(s))

It was just your average day, your average young woman, going about her life. Or so she thought. Elizabeth was walking along the sidewalk in her hometown, listening to music through her headphones fixed on her head, nose down as she read a text from her bestie, making the young girl grin a bit as she walked. Liz lived in a small town in rural Kentucky, so she felt fine walking wherever she needed to, despite being able to drive. Gas had gotten ridiculously high priced, and walking was good for her, so she enjoyed these little moments.

This was common for Elizabeth, walking away from just getting lunch from the town's Dairy Queen. Their fries were her favorite, unlike most people's like for McDonald's fries.

Elizabeth was your average young woman of twenty years, with a few strange tastes, however, she was happy with these tastes. She had an interest in things like video games, movies, books, anime, and things like that. She was in a few fandoms, and much to her dorky dismay, she was a little bit of a horror buff. She liked SCPs, Creepypastas, things of the sort.

Liz looked up from her phone to check for traffic as she came to a street corner, not seeing anything coming her way, so she begins walking across, unaware of a speeding truck turning a bit further down the road, out of the unsuspecting girl's view. Her attention was captured by her friend's message once more, beginning to text a reply back, music blasting in her ears as the truck drove along the road the girl was walking across.

Once the driver of the truck noticed the girl, it was too late. The driver had taken her attention off the road long enough not to notice the young girl attempting to cross the street, and whenever she did look back, the driver gasped at seeing the girl crossing and began honking while slamming the breaks, trying to stop in time. But she wasn't able to.

The next thing Elizabeth knew, everything was pitch black. She didn't know what had happened.

Eventually, she woke up. What had happened? The girl sat up in a bed, gasping as she clutched her chest and looked around, wide-eyed. Where was she? Elizabeth looked around, incredibly confused. This wasn't her room. It looked like a little girl's room. Liz began to explore the room, frowning until she came to a mirror, and she gasps in shock. It looked like she was 8 years younger?! How was that possible?! She quickly began searching the room for a phone or a calendar, to see if she could find the date. Soon enough, Elizabeth found a smartphone, one a lot better than the one she had before. The girl turned it on and got into the phone fairly easily. It had the same password that Liz always had for phones. This was making her start to freak out, but she checks the date and finds it was the same day. Okay, but where was she? How was she young?

Liz began scouring the internet on the phone for answers, but it just led to more questions. Things weren't the same. This wasn't her life. None of it was making sense.

The young girl was snapped from her thoughts by a knock on the bedroom door, and then an older woman came in, who then looked at the girl in the bed before laughing softly. "Elizabeth, you can't stay in bed all day, come on. I know it's summer break, but if you sleep all day, you'll miss the lovely day. Come on now, get up." Then the woman left the room. Was that supposed to be her mom? Liz felt like her head was splitting open. This was not her life.

Elizabeth got up out of bed and changed into some clothes, but she was determined to get answers. She began searching her room, and she finds out where she was going to school, more about her family, and things like that. This was incredibly weird, she needed to know more. So she headed out of her room, needing more answers. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2022 ⏰

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