Chapter 5: Introductions

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(Sorry, this too so long to write. I realized a mistake halfway through that necessitated a partial rewrite.)

(RWBY is the property of Roosterteeth. I do not own any of the characters. This is fanfic, complete fiction and should be taken as such)

(There may be some format errors due to not a perfect copy paste from Microsoft word. Also, this my first attempt and writing with any degree at seriousness. Criticism welcome but please be kind)


The day Taylor had dreaded had finally come. The formal introduction of himself to a bunch of girls he knew nothing about. Not only that but also, he needed to convince them to bang him. He was told it would require little to no convincing, but that did little to ease his fears. Due to circumstances not all the boys were going to be introduced at once. Alex, Blair, and Drew went in first to shield Keon and Taylor from the more aggressive girls until they settled down.

Taylor took the opportunity to observe the proceedings. The trio were in a sort of event hall, probably specifically built for his event. There were a few stalls in the wall that served food. There were many tables and chairs throughout the hall. To accommodate the large number of girls. There were several clusters however, where the boys sat. There was a main table where the guys and a couple of girls sat. These were flanked by several smaller tables where many more girls sat. The tables had some food on them. Some was placed their beforehand, some was brought by the girls. The main table also displayed their equipment, weapons and some of their armor when applicable. It seemed that this was yet another means for the guys to impress the ladies.

The whole hall was lined with guards and security droids. The guards were all female, and Taylor could see that they were equipped with batons and what he assumed were stun weapons. Many where stationed along the walls and entrances of the hall. Some were standing fairly close to where the boys were sitting. These ones were equipped with heavier armor and some meaner looking weapons, although they were still clearly stun weapons. They were also backed up with security droids. They watched closely whenever the boys' weapons were showed off, but for the most part they stood back and let nature take its course.

The trio where fairing as well as Taylor had expected them to. Alex had the largest number of girls surrounding him. He could see the girls squealing, swooning, and laughing at everything Alex said or did. Alex himself appeared to be acting with all the knightly chivalry he could muster. Drew and Blair had a similar number of girls between them. The girls seemed to be liking Drew almost as much as they liked Alex. Drew was fully enjoying himself, although he did nothing too egregious. Blair was the most subdued of the three. The interactions there were more civilized than in the other groups. Despite that it was clear both the girls and Blair were enjoying each other's presence.

Taylor's thoughts were interrupted by someone entering the room he was observing from. He turned to see both Ozpin and surprisingly Ironwood entering the room. This caught Taylor off guard, he had never expected to meet Ironwood, at all, ever. Ozpin spoke before Taylor started asking questions.

"Keon, we're ready for the introduction if you are." Ozpin said. Keon was clearly nervous and hesitated a moment. "I know of your past Keon. I've handpicked your guards myself. Both they and the girls have been briefed by me. Ms. Goodwitch will also be keeping a close eye on you. I'm not going to just throw you to the wolves." Ozpin tried to reassure him. Keon thought about it a moment, but eventually nodded. Two guards then entered the room and escorted Keon out to the hall. Taylor watched Keon enter the hall before Ozpin addressed him.

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