Chapter 21: Seal Undone

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"Are you sure you don't need any help, Killer?" You asked, watching as Killer prepared breakfast for the others, juggling many tasks at once. Killer let out an exasperated sigh, rolling his skull to simulate him rolling his soulless eyes.

"No. For the last fucking time, I'm fine." Killer snapped back, flipping a pancake with his spatula. You quickly surveyed his workspace, nearly entirely controlled by magic.

Killer had been working on the eggs, pancakes and bacon, the toast was burning in the toaster, the microwave was beeping and the kettle was boiling. Even with magic, he was still struggling.

You were starting to think he wasn't 'fine', Didn't he do this every morning? You knew how much magical energy telekinesis took, maybe he didn't get enough sleep?

"You're using a lot of magic, Killer..." You reminded, watching closely over his shoulder. Killer then plated the eggs and bacon onto a separate platter while flipping the pancakes again.

"Telekinesis can be exhausting and it's still morning, you need to slow down." You suggested. While you didn't doubt Killer's very impressive multitasking abilities, you would feel bad if you didn't at least offer your help.

"Oh yeah? And how would you know?" Killer asked, turning his skull to face you with a condescending smirk.

Sometimes with the way Killer spoke to you, he made it sound like he was challenging your intelligence. Did he somehow get the impression that you were simple-minded in comparison to him?

Killer made it very clear to you with just the tone of his voice whenever the two of you spoke, he did not like you...

If you were honest, it hurt.

However, what if maybe he was just brought up in an environment where he was taught to believe he was better than others? You just couldn't assume these things. Regardless, it was disrespectful and rude.

Despite this, you shyly pointed to yourself.

"I.. have telekinesis..?"

While it was true that yes, you did have telekinesis, you rarely used it. Seeing as you're a ghost that through magic can bring physicality to yourself, there wasn't much of a need.

Like you told Killer, telekinesis can be very draining, especially when moving multiple objects at once.

You spent the next few seconds awkwardly trying to read Killer's expression. As a skeleton without eye lights, it was incredibly hard to tell what mood he was in sometimes...

Without letting out any verbal or physical response, Killer simply resumed his attention back on cooking, completely disregarding your statement.

It was incredibly rude being ignored like that! He was treating you as if you were some- some-...



"What? Do you not believe me?" You accused, moving yourself to phase inside of the stovetop before him, practically forcing him to acknowledge your existence.

"No. I mean it's fitting with the ghost theme and all, but telekinesis is a hard skill to master-"

Interrupting Killer's monologue, you held your hand just above the pancake cooking in the frying pan. You rose your hand, the golden pancake following just beneath, hovering in the air.

While disbelieving Killer's statement, you watched his stunned expression watch the pancake in silence.

Although you felt proud for proving your point and abilities, you couldn't help but notice an opportunity.

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