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Cat: So we got Goh... Ash, because I can... C- Wait, where's Chloe?

Goh: I think she's in there. *points to room*

Cat: *knocks on door*

Jenna: Be patient! *hiss*

Cat: Oh my gosh, if you guys are making out in there I swear-

Jenna: We're almost done!

Cat: *sighs*

(After 20 minutes)

*Jenna and Chloe walked out*

Cat: Thank you.

Chloe: *shifts her shirt uncomfortably*

Goh: *walks over to her* Is that a hickey?

Chloe: E-eh!?

Goh: It is!

Jenna: What can I say? She's mine. Anyway, what ship are we doing?

Cat: Vermillionshipping,

Jenna: Who?

Cat: Goh.

Ash: Who else?

Jenna: Yeah!

Cat: ...Chloe.





Jenna, grabbing Goh by the collar: I thought you liked Ash, you two-timing little-

Chloe: Jenna! It's just a ship! It doesn't mean it'll actually happen!

Jenna: *pout* Good. Now cuddle me.

Cat: I don't like it. I get more of a besties vibe from it. Remember, make sure to suggest ships! I'd love to react to ones involving me or Jenna! And I'm going to be writing a story with my brother's OC, so once that's finished you can suggest ships for him, too!

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