"I don't wanna waste my life!"

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Reading John Piper's book entitled " Don't waste your life" and all I can say is that I don't want to utter these words "I've wasted it, I've wasted it" on my deathbead. I want to live for the risk of making much of my Lord and Savior. I wanna be a woman like Queen Esther who was able to say, "For the sake of Christ. I'll try, If i perish, I perish".

Lord, help me to fix my eyes on you. You destined me to glorify you and take the risk for the uncertainties whether I die or suffer on this body to proclaim your message to the lost. I wanna live for your gospel and count everything at loss for the surpassing worth of knowing you just like your servant Paul. I wanna able to say on my final breath that 'to live is for Christ and to die is gain'. Increase my faith in the eternal hope before me. Help me to live by faith and rest my faith in your faithful promises.

Father, I am very aware of how needy I am of your grace. Without the truth that you uphold me in the palm of your hands, I am a goner. My sins at the end of the day is ever before me, my unproductiveness, my laziness, my stubbornness, my stupor condemnse and felt like I am losing the entitlement to be called your daughter. But Lord, I praise you for you have remain faithful through my unbelief. Thank you for reminding me constantly of your word in the light of the Scripture of who I am in Christ now. For anyone that is in Christ, I am now a new creation, the old has passed behold the new has come. I am no longer bonded to my old self and slave of sins, I am forgiven in you and redeemed by your special love and predestined for the eternal crown of glory that will never perish. You are my glory and the lifter of my head. Help me not to fear the scorn and insults of men but to glory on the promise that salvation is yours in the end.

Increase my anxiety O Lord for the salvation of the people around me, may I never be enchanted to mirage of security and bed of comfort. Take me to where you want your gospel be heard and preached. Take me to where your light may shine before men. May I continue to make myself small in the sight of them but strive to please my Master in all what I do. I asked Father that you fill me with the Holy Spirit, make my heart like Jesus and the submit to do your will. Bless me O Lord in this pilgrim and be with me until the end of age. Amen.

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