"The groanings of a saint"

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The Lord has secured me in Him for eternity. O how I want to taste that sweet enjoyment of the Psalmist when he said ,"The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want". Whenever I examine myself, I can't even lift my head in shame. I know when my motive of doing good is not right, I know when I am driven by self-existed exalting reason, I know when I am driven by my fleshly desires, I know when I am driven by performance, and I know how the Lord is not pleased with me actions.

Father, I have made terrible decisions from the very start. I've made broken promises to others. I acknowledge before you how this grace you have bestowed to me is truly undeserving as it is. But your grace is sufficient in my weakness. Father I thank you for continously leading me to the way of brokenness. Thank for dailu exposing my sins that I may repent from it. It is trult a humbling thought to be loved by a oerfect father in Heaven. who disciplines me as good father would do to his children. Lord cleanes my sins as white as snow for they are red like a crimson stain.

I ask Father that you strengthen me for apart from you I can do nothing. Help me O Lord to see how great you are in my life to remind me of how small I am. Help me face this world putting my confidence in you and not on my eloquence in speech or wisdom. Turn my heart away from worthless idols that would not benefit me nor others. Lord. I ask that I may be used as an instrument to proclaim your excellence and glory in your Son Jesus.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2022 ⏰

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