Yandere Martyn x Cleo

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Warning ⚠️

There will be murder, captives, and torturing


Martyn's pov

Why does she care more about him then me, I was there, I cared, offered everything and she still choose that git over me

Well that's just fine, as long as I keep Pearl in the cell room, I can hurt him as much as I want

" Martyn? Martyn!"

I snap out of my train of thought and look at Ren

" What?"

" Do you think Pearl is with Scott, we've looked everywhere?"

" She'll turn up eventually, she's probably with Tilly."

Now I like Ren I really do but if he were to get close to my Cleo or find out about Pearl I might just have to silence him

~ Time Skip, brought to you by the flower husbands~

After a while of traveling, I couldn't help myself but to pay a small visit to my beloved

When I got closer I suddenly felt a critical axe hit, So he wants to harm whats mine
It was hard but I finally managed to calm myself

" Marytn? Have you come to Serenade Cleo again?"

Scott said, in his annoying mocking tone
Id cut his tongue out if I could, but I don't want to scare my darling Cleo

" Martyn, did you manage to get rid of the warden?"

I heard my Cleo say, such a lovely voice she has

"Well, not exactly, if it's possible is the offer to stay with you still available?"

" Well, I guess you can stay in the donkey pen."

Even though it wasn't fully with her with her, it was a start, I could see her in the mornings and talk to her any time I wanted

" Time for another axe crit!"

Scott and Cleo hit each other playfully again
I growled at the pair, quietly contemplating what to do to Scott,
I don't want to hurt Scott, but if he pushes it, I might just snap

"Martyn, Cleo, would you like to participate in the relationship trust building exercises?"

I had to admit that did seem nice but there was something sinister about it

"Martyn, you better catch me."

Cleo said fearfully, I smirked and nodded

I watched her scream and placed the water down

" see I'd catch you any day."

I kept my usually sly attitude up, smiling as she laughed

" You know Martyn, your not that bad, But you still haven't apologized."

Cleo said, I still don't understand what did I do wrong I just wanted to make sure she had everything

~ Time Skip Brought to you by Tango raging ~

It was midnight, I headed off to the cave where Pearl was being kept and mined a block over her cell, before dumping a lava bucket over the hole

"Sorry, Pearly but I need Scott out of the way."

Of course I wasn't cruel enough to have poor Tilly in the cell
She was sitting outside, hearing her poor owners screams

Pearl tried to swim in lava

Scott fell out of the world

Well one life down two left to go


Cheshire cat-chan, here if you liked it would you like a part two or leave it as it is

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