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Only a few moments in your life had you felt true fear.

One of those was an instance you needn't repeat, anyone would agree. Being locked in that closet, tucked away from the dangerous eyes of faces you didn't recognise, watching as your parents did their best to draw attention away from you - it would forever be the scariest time in your life.

But this? This was definitely a close second.

Staring through the rattling glass panes in the Captains cabin, squinting to see through the downpour of rain and water vapour that fogged up the glass, it was like staring into your impending doom. You'd seen storms before, they were a monthly occurrence for someone living on a small island, but you'd never seen anything like this up close. Even through the thick wooden boards and the layered panes of glass that made up the walls of the cabin, you could hear the howling wind. In the distance you could see it. The whirling mass of seawater and rain.

"Is that a cyclone?!" you croaked in fear.

The tension in the cabin shifted, hesitance towards Leorio and Kurapika's fight turning sour with trepidation towards the approaching storm. The Captain looked thrown, hands balled at his feet, knees bent to save himself from being knocked off his feet. It was the fear in his eye that worsened your own. If a Captain with so many years on his belt looked just as panicked as the rest of you then what were your hopes of getting out of this?

"C-Captain? What should we do?" the sailor at the window whispered, trying his best not to alert us of the worrying circumstances. There was no hiding from this one though, you didn't know if they realised, but the rest of you were pretty blatantly aware of the swirling typhoon of death heading right for you.

"Um..." your voice wavered as you took a shaky step forward, calling attention to yourself, "are we all forgetting that Kurapika and Leorio are above deck right now? While that thing is hurtling straight for us?"

The Captain exchanged a nervous glance amongst his crew and without another word they were racing out of the room to try and distract the feuding men from their impending doom. Your first instinct was to follow, to run after them and see if perhaps you could be of any use. But what could you possibly do out there? The likelihood was that the wind would sweep you away before you would even have a chance to speak with the fighting pair.

"(Y/n)," gentle fingers wrapped round your wrist and you caught yourself lost in a steady sea of brown, "let's go, okay?"

You weren't sure whether your desire to follow him was chalked up to your eagerness to make sure the others were okay, or whether Gon was just that persuasive, but without argument you followed. He lead you gently, but quickly, up the stairs and onto the deck. The moment you emerged from cover you were both drenched, hair and clothes whipping and slapping at your skin at the force of the wind. The rain was falling hard enough to feel like pin pricks on your skin and you could barely keep your eyes open against the stormy weather.

Despite the loud volume of the rain, waves, and wind, you could still hear the sailors yelling at the others to get back inside. Even in the short amount of time you had known them, you knew they were too stubborn to listen. They both had something to prove for whatever reason, had angered one each other enough to say things they didn't mean. Or at least you hoped they didn't mean it.

Gon kept you steady, kept you grounded as he rushed with you towards the two standing in opposition. It was hard to keep upright with the slippery deck beneath you and the wind fighting you with every step. But you had no choice, like Gon you couldn't just leave them out in the open and danger.

Though wishing for them to stop, the sailors had a bigger issue on their hands. Under the orders of their captain, they rushed towards the masts, unlooping the rope attached to the sails and heaving hard in attempts to raise them. Should the wind catch the open sails the ship might be sent miles off course. Despite how many were pulling at each rope they were still having difficulty, with the wind pushing against the sails, the tension on the rope made it almost impossible to pull. Even as experienced as they were, they were having great difficulty. Casting a worried glance towards you, Gon released your hand and rushed towards the others.

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