Fake Dating

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A/N- I can't believe I was number 1 on the walker # even if it was for a day!! Thanks for all the support and make sure to VOTE UP this storyy!! Thankk youu <3.

I woke up to the soft bumps of the rode. I felt my hair being played with. It was soft and calming almost making me fall back asleep. My eyes wandered slowly to see Walker. He sat next to me while I was in someone's car.

"Don't worry Y/N. Im taking you home."

I felt my cheeks heat up into a blush as I tried to hide it as much as I could. All I could do was stare into his blue orbs. It was quiet the rest of the way back. The drive back home was relaxing. I didn't want this moment to end.

As we stopped in front of my driveway, I gave a warming smile to Walker. All I could do was smile. I slowly exited the car. Our gaze never leaving one each other's. I reached into my pocket as I skipped into my front door. I felt a neatly folded paper in the pocket. I carefully opened it.

Call me or text me when you find this :)

Under his message, I saw his number. My eyes gleamed in delight as I quickly added him into my contacts. I wished for this to happen ever since we met. That when I got a call but it wasn't from Walker. It was from the director.

I quickly answered the phone anxious of what she might have needed.


"Hi Y/N! So I have a favor to ask you and Walker but this is only if the both of you are up for this."

"Yeah of course. If it helps promote the movie."

"So um I don't really know how to put this but I need you to fake date Walker..."

"What uhh okay...i'm up for this" My head was spinning. I'm actually gonna be dating Walker!?

"Great we just need Walker opinion on this and you should be good to go. Oh and be in mind, our company will set up some dates before the premiere so it seems realistic and hopefully you guys would be the talk of the town!"

"Uhh great...thank you for letting me know"

I hung up before I could say another word. My heart was pumping. What if Walker said no? At least we're friends. I was speechless. I have to tell Walker...

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