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"Do you wanna go to the mall tomorrow, baby? Let's buy the dress that you want." ten said to donghyuck. when donghyuck then heard the mall, he immediately smiled and look up to his mom. 

"but mom, what happened to daddy?" donghyuck ask his mom, but before ten could answer his son's question, johnny went down and sat on the chair again. "let your dad explain it to you." ten said and look at at the both of them. 

"hyuckie, when you are going to the party always stay close to your friends. don't get drink from the other guys. if you're thirsty get your own, be careful of the drugs they would sometimes put in your drink. if you're going to the bathroom as someone to be with you, it should be someone you know and the one you trust. if some random guys ask you out, they mean they want to have a one night stand. don't say yes to that type of guy." johnny sternly warned donghyuck, about the type of people in the party. 

"just because it's a college party you can't say it's safe. anything could happen." johnny added.

"daddy, do you think that i'm an easy person? hell nah! and the only one who is close with me is jeamin, and his boyfriend, jeno. and also mark, my other friend... oh, and also 2 juniors that will not go to the party cuz they rather go other country or have a date." donghyuck answered 

johnny then look at ten then smiled.  and they are proud to say that they raised a smart and brave kid. 

"but, honey, it's like a prom right?" johnny ask donghyuck.

"yes, daddy!" donghyuck then smiled.

"but, do you have a date already?" ten asked his son

when donghyck heard the question he suddenly became red and shy. ten and johnny noticed the boys action, they were curious.

"Mark Jung" donghyuck said shyly, making it very obvious that he like him. 

"jung?" Johnny and ten said in sync

"yes, why? is there wrong him being a jung?" donghyuck was now very curious what is the connection of his parents and marks family.

when johnny and ten heard that they got excited, because they are really close to the Jung family. Jung fam is the fam that helped the Seo to become who they are now. 

"nothing, honey just glad that a jung will be your date on friday." ten calmy and happily uttered. 

"since tomorrow is saturday, we could spend our day shopping. you could also ask jaemin is he would like to come with us." ten said 

"sure, i'll text him immediately." donghyuck uttered. 

~time skip~

"daeman, do you want to come with us? where going to the mall to buy a dress for friday." donghyuck said through the phone.

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